99 Topics

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Member Avatar for arshi9464

NOTHING HAPPENS AFTER EXECUTING THIS CODE, BUT IT COMPILES AND RUNS SUCCESSFULLY [code]import java.io.IOException; public class Runx { public static void main(String args[]) { try { String x="cmd /c dir"; Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec(x); } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }[/code] Please help.......................

Member Avatar for Tellalca
Member Avatar for deviliq

hi there [B]how do i determine the average Number of Queue Items that leave the queue (example: processes leaving the ready queue in order to be Running in the CPU) per second?[/B] i need this value to calculate for the average waiting time. the formula is: w = n/X where …

Member Avatar for deviliq
Member Avatar for C#mark

I have a batch file that sets JAVA_HOME, PATH and CLASSPATH and calls a jar file. The last line in the batch file is "java -classpath test.jar test %1". When I run the batch file from the command line, using a paramater, the parameter displays in the console as expected. …

Member Avatar for C#mark
Member Avatar for echocoder

I am using the following string and Java code to create a user on a Linux box via Java. [CODE=java] ... String x = "/usr/sbin/useradd -g users -s /bin/bash -c 'FIRST M LAST, STERK,DIV-DIS-OFF,123-456-2913' -p 2342asdfa231rcawef09 -d /home/flast -m flast"; RunCommand(x); ... [/CODE] However, upon execution it spins a list …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for abelLazm

hello to all In my code I have to check currently running processes from task manager and perform some actions on them but the problem I am facing in doing so is that I am not able to get a processes location from where it is running (i.e. path of …

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for weblover

hello all , i'm new to C# and i have a problem, i created a program that categorize my files into folders and subfolders. and i want to run a script test.bat that will run a python script to the files with extension .gb in the subfolders and this script …

Member Avatar for weblover
Member Avatar for ktsangop

Can anyone please give me a guideline on how to code the following? I have an MFC application which should call on a timer basis a python script from command line and read the ouput of that command line. I thought of using CreateProcess, but i have no clue of …

Member Avatar for ktsangop
Member Avatar for deviliq

Hey there :) :) :) I'm doing a "simulation" project for the first-come, first-served (FCFS) CPU scheduling algorithm. To give u an idea of what this is: CPU Scheduling is all about having a Scheduler determine which process should be allocated to the CPU next. It has many various algorithms …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for GregMaClean

Hello, Although I am a student, this project is not for school. I am trying to make a program that blocks an application from running. The irritating program resists having it's process ended (it automatically restarts via another process that also cannot be terminated). However, I have found that the …

Member Avatar for kandarpa

Hi there, I want to get the process name from the process id (pid) in C/C++ program. Please help me. I am using linux machine.

Member Avatar for triumphost
Member Avatar for Drpills

Hello, I am new to the community (well my first thread anyway). I was just wondering which programming language would be the most effective to run a light weight process watcher, and when it detects a particular process to start a another wait loop, which, when the process ends it …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for emreozpalamutcu

I'm making a program and in one of the part of the program there is this button and for it to do main function it needs to check if the notepad is running. So how can i check if the process is running?

Member Avatar for cool_zephyr
Member Avatar for JDCyrus

Good evening. I'm having issues related to subprocesses. What I'm trying to do is launch another program that has a command-line mode (Gnucap, in case it matters) as a child process from my Java program, then communicate with it by reading from its standard output and writing to its command …

Member Avatar for JDCyrus
Member Avatar for CrimsonGT

I wrote a small c# .NET application that is basically a controller for a Java application. My company has been using a .bat file to launch it, but we need an .exe so our web panel can detect when it is online/offline/etc. When my .NET application starts, it starts the …

Member Avatar for VichuTheWizard

Hi, I am currently doing a project on remote object communication between Flex 4.1 SDK and Java using Flerry API.I need a Java program that can capture the user keystrokes while the user enter's text in the action-script text-area. i.e I need Java program that captures the keystrokes as user …

Member Avatar for VichuTheWizard
Member Avatar for ddndd

hi .. im trying to terminate a process so in python i used os.system("taskkill /IM notepad.exe/T" and os.popen("taskkill /IM notepad.exe /f") neither have worked since the process does close but start up again !! on SOME computers it did work, the process was terminated but on others it did not …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for DrRodge

If programA starts Delphi programB, is there any way that programB can determine whether it was started by programA or by some other program?

Member Avatar for Wolfgan
Member Avatar for cr6564

Hello! I am learning how to program on my own in visual basic. I have made a program where the user selects a batch file from a datagridview that is populated with information from the hard drive. I have been able to get the selected item to show up as …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for getkiran1

Hi all... How to get the full path of a file which is currently running?? suppose from cmd or directly someone starts an application or any kind of file( text file, word file, mp3 etc) my C# application need to get the path of the opened file... For eg: if …

Member Avatar for Ionesta
Member Avatar for waleed.makarem

Dear all , I am trying to develop code that will check for each location (latitude and longitude) for a nmea file ( contains over 200,000 point) to check if this file contains some points that was close to a certain location or not . How can we do this …

Member Avatar for waleed.makarem
Member Avatar for miraj0072004

hello friends, I am calling an external _ant_compile.cmd program from my java methods as [CODE] Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process p=rt.exec(thepath);[/CODE] but here, the external program starts, and starts proceeding, but the problem is this launch takes place without any relation to the original class...which means, once after i have …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for miraj0072004

hello friends, this is my attempt to execute an external cmd file through java and get the output printed to a text file while the program is running (not after the program has ended), since I need to do some real time manipulation for depending on the program output. [CODE] …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for koveras vehcna

Hello everyone, I'm working on a random text generator -without using Markov chains- and currently it works without too many problems -actually generates a good amount of random sentences by my criteria but I want to make it even more accurate to prevent as many sentence repeats as possible-. Firstly, …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for koveras vehcna

Hello everyone, I'm working on a random text generator -without using Markov chains- and currently it works without too many problems. Firstly, here is my code flow: 1-Enter a sentence as input -this is called trigger string, is assigned to a variable- 2-Get longest word in trigger string 3-Search all …

Member Avatar for koveras vehcna
Member Avatar for ausrasul

Hi, I'm trying to write a shell script that do ftp and download file periodically, this script should be called by a daemon running in the background. the shell script "script.sh" is as follows: [icode] yafc [url]ftp://test:test@[/url] < commands [/icode] and the "commands" files is [icode] d Root/md5* / quit …

Member Avatar for ausrasul
Member Avatar for fire_

Hi. I need program wich will start other program (for example notepad.exe) and if notepad.exe will exit my program will start it again. How can i get info about process state and put it into variable to use with if? I'm beginner at C++ so please write all headers witch …

Member Avatar for fire_
Member Avatar for tincho87

Hi everybody. I'm developing an application that sends keystrokes to another background application. The problem is that i have so send a "Alt+F", but i can't get it to work. I'm using PostMessage: [CODE] [DllImport("User32.Dll", EntryPoint = "PostMessageA")] private static extern bool PostMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint msg, int wParam, int lParam); …

Member Avatar for tincho87
Member Avatar for SSSD

i recently found out i had the virus called RECYCLER, and that it had infected my usb and hard drive. So the first thing i did was end the process called ctfmon.exe, as i read it was part of the virus. I also ran a program called combofix with a …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for xfrolox

I need to kill a specific process, i got ListBox1, and Button1 and Button2 Button1 Gets Process which is notepad, When Button1 is clicked in the ListBox1 it shows the Main titled of the windows, Example Notepad is running and his title is Untitled - Notepad in Listbox1 will show …

Member Avatar for xfrolox
Member Avatar for kurtzky

Hey guys. I have a question. In my program, I'm calling a Process (Internet Explorer) on button click, but I want to customize the size of the IE window being opened to something like 800 x 600 pixels. Do you know how do it? Below is my base code. [CODE]Process …

Member Avatar for Lusiphur

The End.