19 Topics

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Member Avatar for Reo_1

hello guys I created an app in visual basic abd i want it to be requsting for a password when installing it or transfering it from one computer to the other. I want to put security to it. Any help will be appreciated

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Deep Modi

I am having my friend USB, which contains the error while Formatting, copying, deleting, renaming, moving files from it. The error is `"The Disk is Write Protected"`, I don't Know why this all happens? I try to repair it with the google help and find some common solution and tried …

Member Avatar for aminachour
Member Avatar for Samyx

Hi guys, I am trying to create a login page using apache mod_auth_form to authenticate users. Once the user is authenticated he/she should be able to access the main page. # my public directory: # C:/webroot/ regtrack_newSG.php # my protected directory: # C:/webroot/myapp/ regtrack_studysiteone.php # my password file: C:/Apache24/passwd/passwords # …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for krunal1986
Member Avatar for elouch

hi all i've been strugling with this error. could someone help me. below is the code stremail = "some@email" For Each store In outlookapp.Session.Stores strchecking = store.DisplayName outlookfolder = store.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox) For Each objfolder In outlookfolder.Folders For Each obj As Object In objfolder If TypeOf (obj) Is Outlook.MailItem Then MsgBox(obj.Subject) End …

Member Avatar for elouch
Member Avatar for ManojGokhale111

Hello, I wish to know the protected property ChildControlsCreated property (to know the childrens of the Panel) when a button is clicked. Please tell me where I am wrong.The Label3.text should show "True" but displaying "false". why is that so? It is the same for other properties like adapter. regards …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for mantapgan

Hi everyone, im trying to print getAktiva() but it return an error: "Fatal error: Call to protected method indukPerusahaanABC::getAktiva() from context '' in C:\xampp\htdocs\sad.php on line 41" Thanks in advance <?php class indukPerusahaanABC{ protected $nama; protected $jenis; protected $alamat; private $aktivaLancar; private $aktivaTetap; public function __construct($nama, $jenis, $alamat){ $this->nama = …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for LastMitch

Hi I'm having issue of understand how to **echo** a variable when the `class` is `extended`. I have **2** files. This is my **index.php** file: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>OOP Example</title> <?php include("class.php"); ?> </head> <body> <?php $mitch = new person("Mitch Last"); echo "Mitch's full …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for eburlea

Hello. The code below returns an error. Please advise what is wrong with it. Thank you. class Login { private var $good_username; private var $good_password; public function Authentification () { private $this->good_username = "myusername"; private $this->good_password = "mypassword"; } }

Member Avatar for eburlea
Member Avatar for saadi06

Hi, I am using tcpdf library to create pdf files and they are password protected.Now I have a condition where I want to merge different pdf files and create a single pdf file and dipslay the multiple pdf files to the user in a single pdf file.I am having problem …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Is there a way to make a class visible only from within another class. i.e: [CODE]class myclass { private: class anotherclass { //stuff that only can be used from within a myclass function void dosomething(); float dosomethingelse(); }*anotherclasses; int numanotherclasses; public: int createanotherclass();//creates anotherclass object, puts it in the array …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Ravenn

hi, i'm using an excel add-in which creates protected sheets where i can select options in different controls (like listboxes). I need to have a process run at intervals but this option is not included in the add-in. The process is initiated by selecting "Starts" from a listbox. Is there …

Member Avatar for 1greatdeal

I bought a computer from a school auction.When it comes up a box pops up with a school user agreement.When you accept it goes to a user name and password screen.Is there any thing I an do to use this computer. thanks

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for daudiam

Consider the following codes : File : C3.java [CODE]package G; public class C3 { protected int a=5; }[/CODE] File : R3.java [CODE]import G.C3; class R2 extends C3 { void doit() { a=7; } } class R1 extends R2 { void doit(R2 b) { a=8; b.a=1; // (1) } }[/CODE] It …

Member Avatar for daudiam
Member Avatar for SSSD

Hello, recently i found one of my old USB devices but when i plugged it in and tried to delete a file it told me it was write protected. Now i have decided to format it but it doesnt let me because it is write protected. It doesnt have a …

Member Avatar for khakilang
Member Avatar for SeanC

I am familiar with the differences between public and private. However, I read many online explanations about 'protected'. What I gather is that a protected field can be viewed and manipulated by all classes within the package, and all subsequent subclasses, ragardless of what package they are in right? Well …

Member Avatar for bulger2503
Member Avatar for wolfshire

Hi to everyone on this great site! I have been learning assembly since the last semester. They taught use assembly there in real mode in DOS using some age old book and masm. Then by my interest I picked the subject again now and learn it using AT&T syntax and …

Member Avatar for maf5693

alright I am trying to develop an operating system with assembly. I have written the boot loader and the beginnings of a kernel-however I am having a problem printing characters to the screen. Here is my bootloader [CODE] use16 ; We need 16-bit intructions for Real mode ORG 0x7C00 ; …

Member Avatar for maf5693
Member Avatar for kevintse

Hello, everyone. I have a question to ask. According to The C++ Programming Language (3rd. Ed.) by Bjarne Stroustrup on page 405: "Members declared [COLOR="Red"][B]protected[/B][/COLOR]are far more open to abuse than members declared [COLOR="red"][B]private[/B][/COLOR] . In particular, declaring data members protected is usually a design error. Placing significant amounts of …

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The End.