23 Topics

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Member Avatar for Antika2165

Write a shell script to create a directory called “page1” and ask the user if he/she wants to copy a file to TESTING directory. You should find out that the file has read, write and execute permission. If the file has write permission then copy the file to the directory; …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Antika2165

I need some help with the below please! After installation of **[Fedora]** is completed, write a script called your LastName_StudentID.sh to obtain following options information: * Get information about your operating system, * Get information about hosts * Network interface and routing information * Display a list of users currently …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for cwriter77

What I like to know is if network programs still use this file? I can comment out http port 80 without any effects on firefox: ># http 80/tcp ># http 80/udp Then I can delete out /etc/services without no serious effects on the system: >sudo rm -v /etc/services The best …

Member Avatar for AndrisP
Member Avatar for JohnMcPherson

Hello, my name is John McPherson. I work for the DOL, in the Uneployment Insurance office, and I am working on an application that uses bash scripts as the controller running the application. I am trying to add a capability to email the output files to the users, which are …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I'm planning on buying a new computer monitor soon but I'm not sure which one I should buy. These are the two I'm trying to decide between [LG 27MP75HM](http://www.lg.com/au/it-monitors/lg-27MP75HM) or [LG 29UM65](http://www.lg.com/au/it-monitors/lg-29UM65) thing is the 27MP75HM will be good because I can fit more code on the screen …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi all, I was wondering if anybody can enlighten me on when it is best to separate javascript code in different script. Let me give you a practical example. I have a script that I would like to run everytime the page is resized, so I am thinking to use …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for rexmatthew

Basically I got 2 calendar scripts from the same source. I saw a custom script before that merged these two but Everything I tried failed. Please help. Here are the 2 scripts. Script 1: $('#date3').DatePicker({ flat: true, date: ['2008-07-28','2008-07-31'], current: '2008-07-31', calendars: 3, mode: 'range', starts: 1 }); Script 2: …

Member Avatar for rexmatthew
Member Avatar for happygeek

New research shows that hackers are becoming increasingly lazy in their search for online exploits, with 98% of Remote File Inclusion and 88% of SQL injection attacks now being fully automated. It comes as no surprise whatsoever to DaniWeb administrators and moderators that your average cybercriminal is looking for the …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for sam.merry

Hello guys, Does anyone know exactly how to make a comparison script for car insurance? Would be great if someone could make one for me (£), or could teach me! Cheers, Sam

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for raminr63

Hi guys i first thank you for helps. and i have a script i use that for application authentication In fact the users must use your user name and password to use that App then after authentication of they user and pass passed they allow to use that application. and …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for srinivas88

Hi, I am trying to use mysql select query in a shell script but i need to know how to store a particular value from the output of the query in a script variable. my script file is given below. I need to store the value under field CheckSum in …

Member Avatar for srinivas88
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I have three javascript/jquery scripts and I need all of them. I am new in jquery so not able to add all three scripts. If I do all then one of them do not work. I need to put all three scripts into one. <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ // off $("#pgfor").twoitems({ …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Azmah

I'm looking for a decent directory scripts. I've looked at clones, free and commercial. The commercials look promising but am not sure if they really are worthit. I really need to be able to edit the theme/template and wouldn't mind if there were a plethora of themes available. Are there …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Proloe

Hello, So I'm attempting to do a bulk creation of users into Active Directory (Server 2008) using Powershell. I have a script but every time it runs it throws a exception error. I have tried to go through and find what is wrong, but I am having little luck. Any …

Member Avatar for quibbie

I am looking at building a website that will allow people to sign up and post stats every week about others. For example, Joe has a show dog and likes to compete so Joe comes to to the site and posts. Dog Name: Breed: Weight: Skills: Week 1: Fastest lap …

Member Avatar for MagicMedia
Member Avatar for tony75

Hi I have a folder and its contain 5 text files. My question is How can I navigate to folder and read two first line of the txt files in folder with python scripts? I will be very greatful for your help. Reagards Tony

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

Hi, I am running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, and wanted to install RVM today, I used: bash < <( curl [url]http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/releases/rvm-install-head[/url] ) (NOTE: I already have git-core and curl, etc.) After running that command I get the output in terminal from Wayne, and I added: if [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] ; …

Member Avatar for lance7tour

Am trying to get this code to work where the user enters n rock,paper,or scissors and the computer randomly picks as well, it then states what each choose, once u click ok it tells who won the match but my code once it shows the 1st winner result have to …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for redous

okay so i got a little script that from button links load different information within the same page what im trying to achieve is pulling php coding to the same file but each time i try it throws up errors below is the code that is giving me a problem …

Member Avatar for redous
Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello, I'm following this script [url]http://evolt.org/PHP-Login-System-with-Admin-Features?from=2450&comments_per_page=50[/url] and it uses username to sign up. I was wondering if anyone can help me out in figuring out what to change in order for the user to input the username to email sign in. I know how to change the main.php where you …

Member Avatar for andrewliu
Member Avatar for rashida11

Here is the list of scripts directories to submit your scripts,software to get more exposure.If you have developed new scripts,software then submit it to these script direcories. [url]http://www.scriptsdesk.com[/url] [url]http://gscripts.net/[/url] [url]http://www.allthescripts.com/[/url] [url]http://www.cgi-index.com/[/url] [url]http://www.cgiexpo.com/[/url] [url]http://www.allthescripts.com[/url] [url]http://www.scriptswave.com/[/url] [url]http://www.infoscripts.com/[/url] [url]http://scriptlisting.net/[/url] [url]http://scriptrank.com[/url] [url]http://www.best-php-scripts.com/[/url] [url]www.freephpdirectory.com/[/url] [url]www.slashscripts.com[/url] [url]www.phpscriptsearch.com[/url] [url]http://www.fileplaza.com[/url] [url]http://www.scriptsez.com/[/url] [url]http://php.resourceindex.com[/url] [url]http://www.hotscripts.com/[/url] [url]http://www.scriptaty.net[/url] [url]http://www.codango.com[/url] [url]http://www.webresourceindex.com[/url]

Member Avatar for Dr.Acula

Hello. I have a string that im trying to pull text from. But I want it to pull the text between certain points. Is this possible? For Example: DABHolly,BuddyDAL1466 N Scooby AveDAIAtlantaDACGADAQ =========================== ========= Is there a script that can pull the text between DAB & DAL, DAL & DAI, …

Member Avatar for scaiferw
Member Avatar for marco64

Hello, I would like to know if you know any framework/classes for systems administration in windows/linux environment. Thanks for you replies! Bye, Marco.


The End.