56 Topics

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Member Avatar for Aphrite

I got an assignment to create a program to sort 10 students' data by grade (and if they have the same grade sort by name) using selection sort only(can't use any other method) in an ascending order. My problem is I can sort their grades using selection just fine but …

Member Avatar for BobS0327
Member Avatar for jakeray

I have been searching for an answer to this for the last two days. I am trying to add a list of manufacturers to an existing form in php. This worked out ok and I got it to work somewhat. Here is the problem when the user makes the selection …

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for scarlettmoon

Hi ~ Before posting my code, can someone tell me if it is possible to do a dual sort on an array of chars and an array of int, double or float? Would you have to use two separate sorts? Really confused here. I am trying to sort an array …

Member Avatar for phfilly
Member Avatar for dsotelo91

Hi there. I am trying to get a selection sort working on assembly language, using the Irvine32.lib. This is my first time taking an assembly language class and I am struggling with this program a lot. Here is the code. [CODE] TITLE MASM Template (main.asm) INCLUDE Irvine32.inc .data array1 DWORD …

Member Avatar for loveMii

Please help me find the error with my code. Whenever I try to run the program, it returns a Segmentation Fault message. I've been trying to find and play with the codes but I'm really stuck.. Please help me.. Here's my code: [CODE] .section .data format: .asciz "%d\n" values: .int …

Member Avatar for untio
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

By coding algorithm and using some liberal prints with small set of data, you can learn to understand the basic algorithms better than just reading about them. Here simple selection sort.

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Wiemers11

I'm new to python and I'm trying to write a selection sort code starting with the last digit and eventually working its way to the first but I'm getting an error that the index is out of range... anyone know what's wrong with my code? inputfilename = raw_input("What is the …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for yousafc#

I have a form of c sharp, In winch I have Five Button.I want hit all buttons one by one dynamically. Please send me complete Code of c sharp.

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Member Avatar for tedman102

I have tried to get this program to work with no luck. How do you properly use the nested selection structure? (sorry for the lack of braces, I tried getting rid of some for less confusion. Didn't think it would work but thought I might as well try :D). I'm …

Member Avatar for tedman102
Member Avatar for MrHardRock

Hey everyone, I am writing a program that needs to take 10 integers and display them, then it needs to sort them in order from lowest to highest and then display them again. I was trying to use selection sort to sort them, but I think I set it up …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for SeanC

Hi all, I'm currently trying to solve a problem with a JList. I've got an actionPerformed event applied to the JList (also tried the item updated event but it has the same effect), and whenever this event is fired, (i.e. the user makes a selection), something happens. Now, the problem …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi I am using the PHP include statement to enable publication of a piece of news. The news is filed as "news.txt" and the user has access to a directory to upload the file or delete old news but no access to the code. If the file does not exist …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for caswimmer2011

Hello, I have this code that sorts strings but it does not sort them at all. I've been working on it for 2 hours already. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance :)[code]public void SelectionSort() { for (int i = 0; i < myList.length - 1; i++) { int …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Momerath

The past few days I've posted some sorting routines customized to the tasks they were required to solve. Since I have a bunch of different sorting routines already coded, I decided to post them. Please note that some of these sorts are fast, but not a single one is as …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for bg1976

Hi there I have a .net (3.5) user location dropdown menu (System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList) called ddlLocation, that when the user selects a location menu item that item is saved in a database table, so that the next time the user accesses the page the selection is pulled from the db table. The …

Member Avatar for bg1976
Member Avatar for ConfusedStudent

I have a file with a list of names. Jane Huston Bob Brown Jack Tracy they should be ordered by last line like this Bob Brown Jane Huston Jack Tracy but my program wont compile and i dont know how to fix it? here is my code #include <iostream> #include …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for xq1

Hi, I am new to PHP and am trying to construct a page that will select files from a directory either manually or based on a time period in which the file was created. First of all, does anyone know of where I can get code that will do that? …

Member Avatar for xq1
Member Avatar for kjelle392

Hello all. I'm sorry if this question has been answered before, but I'm a real noob trying to understand Ajax and JavaScript. Therefore I need a (simple) explanation how to pass multiple selections from a list to my Ajax-script - if there are any simple solutions. I'm not using any …

Member Avatar for kjelle392
Member Avatar for benqus

Hello! =) Please help me with this! =) This is my last one to my diploma work! =) If the user enters a number in the textfield, than JS should set the selection in the textarea to that line. Empty lines are changed to " \n" coz I like for-in …

Member Avatar for tonymuilenburg

Hi, I'm trying to loop through multiple textboxes in a C++ form using visual studio.net 2008 to set the selection start for each. The code for a single textbox is easy: [CODE] textBox1->SelectionStart = 4; [/CODE] When I try to assign textBox1 to a Control variable, and assign selection start, …

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Member Avatar for datapham

when i choose a row of dataGridView with the event Selectionchanged , how to display the record in textboxes ? Thanks.

Member Avatar for datapham
Member Avatar for red_lynx

Hi all, i am not an experienced Java GUI programmer and its the first time i'm asking for help in programming on a forum. I have this simple GUI which allows people to mark text with different categories. I use JTextPane and DefaultStyledDocument. Basically, i took most of the code …

Member Avatar for red_lynx
Member Avatar for rhoit

I was trying to Compare the 5 Sorting Algorithms using 4 test cases. [U]Sorting Algorithms[/U] [LIST=1] [*]Selection Sort [*]Insertion Sort [*]Bubble Sort [*]Quick Sort [*]Merge Sort [/LIST] [U]Test cases[/U] [LIST=1] [*][URL="http://the.nube.googlepages.com/Sort.Analysisplot1.svg"]Random Data [/URL](completed) [*]Reverse Sorted Data (completed) [*]Almost Sorted Data (can't generate Data) [*]Highly Repetitive Data (can't generate Data) [/LIST] …

Member Avatar for rhoit
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I've been trying to find a jquery list selection solution along the lines of the following. I want to have two boxes. One on the left that holds all the options to choose from and a box on the right that holds the options selected in the left …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for sfuo

Does anyone know of any good OpenGL selection tutorials that go over how to process more than 64 objects? The only tutorials that I can find deal with under 64 objects and when they mention more than that they say use a loop but don't go into any detail. Thanks

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for RebeccaGill

Remember Swiss-born psychiatrist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and her book on death and dying? She outlined the five stages of grief a person goes through when dying. I read something recently about the fight to save a legacy system and it reminded me of this very book I read well over a …

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The End.