64 Topics

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Member Avatar for pwolf

i was on the site pyschools working through the exercises, but i dont understand why it wont accept the code i input. [url]http://www.pyschools.com/quiz/view_question/s4-q2[/url] Create a function generateNumbers(start, end, step) that takes in three numbers as arguments and returns a list of numbers ranging from start to the end number (inclusive)and …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for JohnMcPherson

Hello, I am trying to compare a double to be within various ranges, but the comparison is not working correctly. Rounding precision is not a concern, because if the value will match the boundaries so rarely, and it is rounding up to the higher range is acceptable. Below is the …

Member Avatar for JohnMcPherson
Member Avatar for Centorpe

I have two items which can be selected from two seperate comboboxes. I need to populate a 3rd combobox with range calculated from selection of first two. Default for this 3rd box must be 0 with plus and minus range. A little help would be much appreciated.

Member Avatar for Centorpe
Member Avatar for abaddon2031

SO im working on a python code that reads a csv file with 1600 entries roughly and i am splitting them up on the collum value of pc numbers. I keep getting a error that states " Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\HatterX\Desktop\test\test25", line 50, in <module> data.sort(key=lambda x: …

Member Avatar for abaddon2031
Member Avatar for tanatos.daniel

I would like to do something like this: comboBox6.Items.AddRange(new IEnumerable<int> { Enumerable.Range(1,8).ToArray() } ); (add numbers 1 to 8 to ComboBox Items using an IEnumerable object), but i can't figure out how. Thanks.

Member Avatar for castajiz_2
Member Avatar for Grazel

hi.. i am creating as program that needs to generate a batch. for example i added job that has a batch range of 001-100, it is a must that all of the number greater and less than one hundred are included. and i don't know how. Please help. need it …

Member Avatar for Grazel
Member Avatar for Master Mascus

I need jquery code for DOB range validation(age should be at least 15) using the .validate() jquery function. I am not able to create the function in the rule, help anyone ?

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for vegaseat

This example calculates timed x, y points of a projectile motion that can be used for plotting or other calculations.

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for jakubee

Hi All, I have a question. Is adding/filling range numbers to an ArrayList possible in java?? Like this: {<12345, 13455>, <12745, 13755>, <2345, 2755>, <5345, 9455>, <2700, 5240>, <345, 13455>, <11345, 13000>} You can think of these like time segments. Here is the class to give you brief idea import …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for bruce.feist

Situation: My VBA program compiles, but fails at runtime when I try to access a specific method. It doesn't seem to matter whether I set the method up as a function or a property get. Here is the code fragment which calls the method: ****** Function roots() As Variant ' …

Member Avatar for WetCoastLife
Member Avatar for taekiewzz

I want to filter my datagrid view in my winform with a date range. I have 2 label with StartingDate(lblStart) and EndingDate(lblEnd) which is called from the datepicker on another form. Filter = "(DATE >= '" + Convert.ToDateTime(lblStart.Text).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "' and DATE <= '" + Convert.ToDateTime(lblEnd.Text).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "')"; And this …

Member Avatar for FenrirMX
Member Avatar for SLMQC

Using Visual Basic 10, and I am trying to identify min/max statistics and display the results. My calculations are working, but the display is not (line 68 & 80). With the way the code is written now, I don't get the error but my results are displayed as "The minimum …

Member Avatar for SLMQC
Member Avatar for funkey100

Hey! I am making a new gaming computer (http://pcpartpicker.com/p/QLYy) and I have heard that nVidia is much better. I'm not going to use more than one monitor, and if I do, it'll only be two so the lower memory is too important. Which nVidia card should I get that's around …

Member Avatar for funkey100
Member Avatar for ehpratah

Hi need some help suggestion I am trying to search data form two date range but it seems not working properly when i search for $from_date = "2013-04-01"; $to_date = "2013-04-04"; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM date WHERE Date between '" . $from_date . "' AND '" . $to_date . …

Member Avatar for ehpratah
Member Avatar for cooling

SELECT Facility.[Facility Name] FROM Facility LEFT OUTER JOIN Reservation on Facility.FacilityID = [Reservation].FacilityID AND [Check-in time] = '" & Integer.Parse(cboHour.Text) & "' AND [Check-in date] = '" & lstDate.SelectedItem.ToString & "' WHERE Reservation].ReservationID Is NULL AND Facility.[Facility Type] = '" & cboFacilityType.Text & "' I have this sql statement which …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for masterfact18

what i want is to put a range in the textboxes like 1-100 and will not accept if it is greater than 100 or a negative number... hoping for your response...

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for snehal89

Hey Everyone, I have table called vdet_sa_archive and in that table there are so many fields and i want to access the data on datetime range. sample data in table starttime endtime 1 14-02-13 01:30:15.000000000 AM 14-02-13 02:01:57.000000000 AM 2 14-02-13 4:30:01.000000000 AM 14-02-13 5:30:01.000000000 AM 3 14-02-13 01:30:01.000000000 PM …

Member Avatar for ghulamyassen
Member Avatar for raj REDDY

suppose the input is 1,2,3,5-14,16-20,-25,31- :the program must print output: 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 0 1 2 3 ...........25 31 32 33..... til end of file I WAS REJECTED FROM MY LAST ROUND OF INTERVIEW BECAUSE …

Member Avatar for raj REDDY
Member Avatar for 2mhzbrain

WHERE Category = '" + CategorySorter.Text + "' AND DateAdded = '" + DateValue("DateEnd.Text") + "' " thats my query and its not working, if the user input a date(like this 12/25/12) in DateEnd.Text, i want to confirm if it is existing on a database

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello all: I have the following mysql query statement: SELECT COUNT(*) as ttl_rows FROM (SELECT DISTINCT(date(timeentry)) AS day, COUNT(*) AS total FROM history where MONTH(CAST(timeentry as date)) = MONTH(NOW()) AND YEAR(CAST(timeentry as date)) = YEAR(NOW()) GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(timeentry, '%d') ASC) as ttl_row the statement performs a search for all records …

Member Avatar for mbarandao
Member Avatar for Delightfully

Hello All!! I have an assignement that I am working on and for some reason I cannot for the life of me recall how to do something so simple lol. The directions are too "Write a function named Exam, which takes one argument n where n>2. Your function creates a …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for darkeclipse8

My professor asks me to program the Game Of Life with some required and I find unnecessary classes. But anyhow as I am coding and running the program midway I run into this problem void Life::setup_grid() { cout << "Size of Grid: " << grid.size() << endl; cout << "rows: …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for redcar2228

This is my code for creating a url list and Im getting an index out of range error? Please help! #! /usr/bin/env python import re TOTAL_PAGES = 619 idFile = open("listOfURLs2", "r") outFile = open("output", "w") idList = [] urlList = [] temp = "" tempStr = "" currentList = …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for jay.barnes

Hello! I've got a question here that has me scratching my head - I've got a table of IP addresses. Each octet has its own field (OCT1,OCT2,OCT3,OCT4). The first two octets are fixed, and will never change (so, the IP addresses on my table are between X.Y.0.0 and X.Y.255.255). As …

Member Avatar for jay.barnes
Member Avatar for xikhari.some1behindu

I get this issue but i dont understand it completly. Found some suggestions online but seems they depend on the source code. This is my code and i get the error where the arrow is int j; float aa=0, modanum, count=0, temp; float[] mod =null; float[] fin = null; int[] …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for raistie_1

Hi all, I am currently trying to generate a number from a specified range using a function int number_range(int from, int to) { return (from + rand() % (to-from+1)); } but negative numbers cause the program to crash. How can i go about doing this so it can take numbers …

Member Avatar for RainbowMatrix
Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew

Ok, so, this code snippet is a reply to this thread: http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/cpp/threads/425821/prime-number-c From what I understood form the OPs request, is that, he wanted an algorihm which would check for prime numbers in a given range, applying these conditions: a number is to be considered valid if: a. the number …

Member Avatar for RainbowMatrix
Member Avatar for softDeveloper

Dear All, Please suppose that I have this line of code, and that my selection range goes from div element with id=1, starting at '2', to div element with id='2', ending at '8'. `<div id='1'>1`2`3</div>456<div id='2'>7`8`9</div>`. I'm using chrome, I would like to get the position of the cursor inside …

Member Avatar for patocardo
Member Avatar for ilyons

Hey all, Some rows of a single table in a database that I administer manage to have gone missing. Not that big of a problem: I have a backup. The issue is that there has been more information added since the old data was lost, so I can't do a …

Member Avatar for ilyons
Member Avatar for ynehs

Hi, I would like to know how to set the textbox to only accept numbers, also that will only accept numbers 1,2 & 3 only. Thanks in advanced. :icon_mrgreen: i tried but i really don't know how.

Member Avatar for Jx_Man

The End.