11 Topics

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Member Avatar for oanahmed

Hi! I was doing my exercise of C Language. In the exercise I was encountered by a question in which author says you to perdict the correct answer; I was uable to perdict it, so I compiled it to get the answer, the source code is this: #include <stdio.h> int …

Member Avatar for cayman
Member Avatar for bruce.feist

Situation: My VBA program compiles, but fails at runtime when I try to access a specific method. It doesn't seem to matter whether I set the method up as a function or a property get. Here is the code fragment which calls the method: ****** Function roots() As Variant ' …

Member Avatar for WetCoastLife
Member Avatar for nullifyQQ

Please bear with me. This is my first post. For some reason, I can only display the strings if I put the cout in the same loop. But since I have to separate addString() and displayAllStrings(), I can't do that. My displayAllStrings() keeps failing. BUT when I write a separate …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for darkeclipse8

My professor asks me to program the Game Of Life with some required and I find unnecessary classes. But anyhow as I am coding and running the program midway I run into this problem void Life::setup_grid() { cout << "Size of Grid: " << grid.size() << endl; cout << "rows: …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for IndianaRonaldo

[CODE] vector<vector <vector<char>>> Sub; Sub[0][0].push_back(s[0]);Sub[0][0].push_back('\0'); Sub[0][1].push_back('\0'); [/CODE] I have the above code and it says "vector subscript insaccessible" for the assignments.What could the reason? Thanks in advance, Prasanna

Member Avatar for IndianaRonaldo
Member Avatar for khsheehan

So I always seem to encounter this error. I usually find some odd hackish fix for it but this time I'm having too much trouble. I'm basically trying to make a program which corrects words the user types in (similar to that of any modern phone). The function I'm posting …

Member Avatar for arkoenig
Member Avatar for pupucashu

The program takes a file with names and GPAs and sorts them in order of highest GPA to lowest using vectors. I cant seem to find out whats wrong with the code. Everytime i run it it says 'vector subscript out of range'. Can someone please help me? File: James …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for Lord_Migit

Hey folks, i have a problem with a vector im attempting to program. There are no compile errors but during run time i get an error saying: "Debug Assertion Failed! Program:...filepath\GA.exe File:...include\vector Line: 779 Expression: vector subscript out of range" etc... I have tried stepping throught the program to no …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for VectorAKA

I have been messing with this program for my class for days now. I can get the program to run fine....I can get it to return highest value in list but i need it to return the month it occurs in. Here is the exercise as it appears in my …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for lionaneesh

Hello/Hi, I m new to this pool of C. I wass just reading a book named "C TUTOR" this book is gr8.. but i cannot understand the subscripts of 2D arrays... I find them pretty hard.. Plz tell me wat exactly the below programme mean of suggest me some simple …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Egypt Pharaoh

The End.