9 Topics

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Member Avatar for ahudson

Hi guys. Okay, well I've been at this for a while and I cannot seem to figure it out. Basically, I have a simpleXML PHP file that I'm trying to"parse" (I guess it's called). *All I want to do is get some info from an API XML site and display …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sagarrayudu

This is my xml file [CODE]<CATALOG> <category> <name>Engineering</name> <subject>Civil Works</subject> <subject>Water Supply</subject> <subject>Street Lighting</subject> </category> <category> <name>Public Health</name> <subject>Sanitation</subject> <subject>Dispensaries</subject> <subject>Maternity Services</subject> </category> <category> <name>Town Planing</name> <subject>T.P.S</subject> <subject>T.P.B.O</subject> <subject>Tracer</subject> <subject>Chairmen</subject> </category> <category> <name>Administration</name> <subject>Ministerial Manager</subject> <subject>Revenue R.O.</subject> <subject>Accounts Accountant</subject> </category> </CATALOG>[/CODE] I have to get the all subject names in …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for johnnc

Greetings, I am trying to write XML using SimpleXML for a web service call. I was having success until the XML got a little more complicated. Here is the XML format where I am running into problems: [CODE] <Agent> <Person Last='Smith' First='John'> <Addresses /> <PhoneNumbers> <Phone Type='1' Number='888-555-1212'> </PhoneNumbers> </Person> …

Member Avatar for jmichae3
Member Avatar for technopup

Hello, I have a PHP file that lists a Post Code variable ($thisPostcode). Using simpleXML I need to compare the value of the Post Code variable to the Post Code attribute in an xml document, if there is a match I need it to echo the statement below if not …

Member Avatar for agam360

Hello, I have a php code that can find a child node in my xml file, And my problem is that I want to delete the specific user when I find the child node. How can I implement it here? [B]mail-list.xml:[/B] [CODE]<maillist><user><time>2011</time><email>MUBnLmNvbQ==</email></user><user><time>2011</time><email>M0BnLmNvbQ==</email></user></maillist>[/CODE] [B]And here is the php:[/B] [CODE]$xml = simplexml_load_file('mail-list.xml'); …

Member Avatar for sjgoodjob

Description: ------------ Doing the following SimpleXML text comparison does not give the expected results. Reproduce code: --------------- [CODE] <?php $sxe = simplexml_load_string('<root a="123" />'); echo $sxe['a']."\n"; if ($sxe['a'] == '123') { echo 'They are equal.'."\n"; } else { echo 'They are not equal.'."\n"; } [/CODE] ?> Expected result: ---------------- 123 …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Frankey

Hi there, i am struggling with my code to read xml with php. it is giving the following error: Fatal error: Call to a member function attributes() on a non-object on line [COLOR="Red"]red[/COLOR]. The weird part of it is that the output is good/as it should be. [CODE] if( ! …

Member Avatar for thez0mbie
Member Avatar for tomccabe

I have an XML file like such: [CODE]<spice> <sections> <contact></contact> <products></products> <people></people> <homes></homes> <harvest></harvest> <contactCopy> <banners><![CDATA[Lots of <u>text</u> with tons of <a href="#">links</a> and <i>other</i> markup.]]></banners> </contactCopy> <homesCopy> <banners><![CDATA[Lots of <u>text</u> with tons of <a href="#">links</a> and <i>other</i> markup.]]></banners> </homesCopy> <productsCopy> <banners><![CDATA[Lots of <u>text</u> with tons of <a href="#">links</a> and …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for lonestar23

Trying to figure out how to parse the attribute value from an RSS feed which contains namespaces? Need to retrieve value "CA" from 'ac:country="CA"' in the code below. Thanks In Advance! [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:ac="http://palm.com/app.catalog.rss.extensions"> <channel> <link>http://www.palm.com</link> <title>Device Apps for US</title> <description>Complete list of US Device channel applications …

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The End.