59 Topics

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Member Avatar for dubadub

The pandemic has presented everyone with unique challenges. For me, it became particularly hard to switch to online grocery shopping. When I do my shopping offline, I usually don’t have to plan much, moving through the isles and picking up stuff as I go. It’s rare that I forget something, …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Paul_97

This is a complete tutorial on creating a Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) in Swift. Go through the entire post to get familiar with all aspects of DFAs, and then implement your own DFA in Swift from scratch by following the steps given here. This will give you real-world experience on …

Member Avatar for Dhruv_4
Member Avatar for mytamhuyet

Why do I always get the default filter of recommended every time I open dw? I am quite capable of decidling if I want a filter or not. How can I turn it off?

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Rohan_9

I am Working on Xcode 9.2 Swift 4.0 using FacebookSDKs-iOS-20160316 for Facebook Login Authentication Integration . My storyboard is empty . On Running Facebook Login button is coming on an app When clicked Facebook login page comes, after successful login Permission for my app is asked, When allowed following page …

Member Avatar for squeak24

I have two apps that are both open source, I am using Swift on iOS. I want to incorporate one into the other. The main App is a radio station, the second is a news feed. I want the news feed as a "sub project". After a few days of …

Member Avatar for cproger

I'm trying to initialize var altitude. init(altitude: CLLocationDistance) { self.altitude = altitude super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil) } required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { super.init(coder: aDecoder) } But it gives me an error: Property 'self.altitude' not initialized at super.init call Thanks

Member Avatar for sirlink99

Hello, I am working on a simple timer toolbar app in swift for macOS and I am experiencing a visual bug. Basically, I should be able to add any number of timers to the main screen and they should stack on top of each other. Once the space is filled …

Member Avatar for Nathan_6

Hi everyone, I am working on a coin collection app, and I have recently started integrating core data into my app. My app is of the following format: I have a core data database which stores custom CoinCategory objects and each CoinCategory object has an array of Coin objects. This …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Mohammed_9

Using swift programming import UIKit var str = "Hello, playground" func ls(array: [Int]) -> (large: Int, small: Int)//function { var lar = array[0] // array of large number var sma = array[0] // array of small number let num = 0 // check odd or even for i in array[1..<array.count] …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Shyam_3

We have developed an app for iPhone. Our business requirement is to run the app at the background and listen to our server for the updates. We need to get the list of online users. This helps us in getting the list of online users and also in listenning to …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Oxiegen

Hi. I'm in the process of learning Swift coding and decided to attempt a porting of one of my existing Windows programs. The thing is, that program relies heavily on connecting to a remote MySQL server. I've seen a few attempts to provide various connectors to an assortment of databases, …

Member Avatar for Tim_11
Member Avatar for Nathan_6

Hi, I am working on a blackjack game as a person learning swift. Due to my need to learn the basics of swift before jumping into learning how the view controllers and other mobile-app specific details work, I am making this game in a playground. I wrote a function that …

Member Avatar for Nathan_6
Member Avatar for Lp_baez

I keep getting a direct identifier error. I have tried deleting the pillarPlat004 assets and re-importing it and connecting it to the code, but that doesn't seem to be the problem. I'm using swift in xcode. ![Screenshot_2016-04-09_19.27_.25_.png](/attachments/small/4/1f4a31b4ae5c37226cc4901e500e6fcd.png "align-left") ![Screenshot_2016-04-09_19.31_.50_.png](/attachments/small/4/4d94fd0a79c2f6fa708b11ec67f58885.png "align-left")

Member Avatar for samuel1991

Hi all, I wanted to develop an app about retrieving latest transport service updates from a specific twitter account @LTAsg. My app's targeted user is not expected to have a Twitter account. Therefore, I know that I need to use Application-Only Authentication method, if I am not mistaken after I …

Member Avatar for vegaseat

The Swift computer language is the brainchild of a number of Apple associates. In my humble opinion it shows some nice features, but also some warts. Part 1 (constants, variables, strings, tuples, arrays) explores a number of the features to give you a taste of the language. I hope I …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for ravi_14

let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession() //1 let downloadTask = session.downloadTaskWithURL( url, completionHandler: { [weak self] url, response, error in // 2 // return } ) Please explain the meaning of [weak self] inside closure . what if we dont declare it as [weak self] ? Thanks /

Member Avatar for vegaseat

Part 2 of exploring/tasting the Swift language takes a look at dictionaries; process flow controls like loops, if/else and switch/case; functions and sorting. I hope I can follow this up with part 3, a closer look at class operations.

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for vegaseat

In part 4 of tasting Swift, we explore structures. Swift has added some interesting features to structures like defaults, methods, multiple init(). This way struct objects come close to class objects with a little less overhead. As an option, methods can be added externally too. Take a look! Down the …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Ahmed91za

I have high hopes for the Swift programming language, the presentation showed a lot of potentials for this language in apple keynote, just a question do you guys think swift will come to windows in an IDK soon?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Like most modern languages Swift has sets and set operations. Here is a quick look. Coming in the fall of 2015 ... Swift2 replaces println() with just print() that has a newline default. The sort of thing that Python3 did to print(). There are some other syntax changes. Good news, …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for showman13

I had a discussion a few weeks ago regarding getting Swift Mailer to work, and thought I had it all resolved but then got sidetracked. I’m back on it now and realizing that I’m still running into an issue that I haven’t found a solution to. I have a form …

Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for Ahmed91za

Hello, just a question, have anyone tried the new language from Apple (Swift) as a web development tool? if so, what was the result?

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Part 3 of the taste of Swift explores class objects in Apple's Swift language. A class allows you to group methods (class functions) together that belong together. Class Person groups some information of people working in an office. Class Pay inherits class Person and adds pay information. Class File groups …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Ever since I got a fancy iMac and started using the Xcode IDE, I got hooked on Apple's new Swift language. From what I heard, it is supposed to replace the aging Objective C. I left a couple of Swift code snippets in the Computer Science section about my one-month …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for showman13

I'm studying the Swift Mailer, and wondered if there is someone in here that is familiar enough with the way it works, that you could give me a little guidance. I have a form that I created that allows someone to enter their information as required, and that works just …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for pars99

Everytime I link a `webview` into my OS X project, it always brings up `Use of undeclared type 'WebView'`. How am I supposed to fix this? I've tried linking the WebKit framework and things like that, but they never worked.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for amogh.max

I have couple of errors with creating and callng functions.pls have a look.I am using swift for coding. [img]http://i.imgur.com/OVARWui.png[/img]

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for pinkPanda

I'm trying to create simple game on xcode (swift) what I'm trying to do is moving player pieces from their positions how can I implement moving pieces from [number]positions to [number]positions for example from positions 1 to either 2 or 0 otherwise it get back to the previous positions more …

Member Avatar for matrixdevuk

Hello. I am getting into app development and started with a calculator. The input is not equal to the output in any size I set. Here are some screenshots: Input: [Screenshot](https://www.dropbox.com/s/otncvnpfotfgetu/Screenshot%202015-02-05%2014.44.43.png?dl=0) Output: [Screenshot](https://www.dropbox.com/s/360u5iastr69hgq/Screenshot%202015-02-05%2014.45.11.png?dl=0) And finally, here is the size thing: [Screenshot](https://www.dropbox.com/s/23aln2fzovpv72y/Screenshot%202015-02-05%2014.46.00.png?dl=0).

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The End.