3 Topics

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[ATTACH=right]17430[/ATTACH]For years now, we've been promised new technologies that would merge the idea of virtual payments with actual brick and mortar retailers, but inevitably we just keep swiping those plastic cards. Meanwhile, the Japanese and others leapfrog ahead, happily waving their phones and other gadgets in front of those cool …

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In a strange part of what was otherwise and interesting and insightful [URL="http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/09/24/microsoft-ballmer-interview-exclusive-techcrunch-bing-mobile-azur/"]interview with TechCrunch[/URL] this week, [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/Presspass/exec/steve/"]Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer[/URL] went out of his way to avoid naming Google, instead referring to them repeatedly as "the incumbent." This seemed to be a deliberate strategy and left me shaking my …

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Yesterday I blogged about a blogger who didn't seem to realise he'd become a de facto publisher by putting his stuff on the Internet. He'd taken someone to court over a comment they'd made on his blog and - understandably - the judge considered that if he hadn't felt strongly …

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The End.