7 Topics

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Hello programmers! I am working on a custom tree class [with the code example being copied from Dietl's C++ How to Program, 9th edition]. It is in my fashion to copy all the code examples in the book when reading it (for muscle memory), but the authors created a custom …

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Member Avatar for ariel930

Hello again.I recently have been doing a assignment which asks us to write a function to check whether a tree is perfectly balanced.I know the concept of Perfectly balanced tree but I just cant make out how to write this function.Any help in right direction will be highly welcome.

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Member Avatar for beela16

Python & binary tree help PLEASE?!?????????please please please help me in anyway :'(? Write a Python program that : a: Takes in as input a list of numbers (Note that you have to type in these numbers using the keyboard) using: def insert(tree, key): if len(tree) == 0: return [key, …

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for shibu2all

Can any one help me to solve this. When inorder traversing a tree resulted E A C K F H D B G; the preorder and postorder traversal would return

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Member Avatar for baruchM

I have a directory named action at the same level as my basic script. I want to include a file called Upload which is in the action directory in my script. I keep getting errors saying the script can't find my file, but my script looks identical to the book. …

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Member Avatar for swissknife007

[CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct node {struct node * left; struct node * right; int info; }; typedef struct node node; node * root=NULL,*loc,*par,*save,*child; int item; void pre(node *); void in(node *); void post(node *); void find() { node * ptr; loc=root; par=NULL; if(root==NULL) { loc=NULL; par=NULL; return; } if(root->info==item) …

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Member Avatar for ARaza110

Hi, I am working on a university project which seems a little complex for my limited knowledge. But , its about 3D Cylindrical Trees. Every cylinder in essence consists of menu items and hovering over any menu item will open up another cylinder showing further menu items. Can anyone please …


The End.