6 Topics

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Member Avatar for cwarn23

PHP is a nice language with features a wide range of automated features for memory but when it comes to mass processing for things like calculating pi or processing a database that's a couple dozen Gigabytes then you may run into a few troubles if things aren't done correctly. This …

Member Avatar for Gaetane
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi all, I'm trying to delete elements from an array - The array should be a shopping cart - So I need to ad/remove items from it. So far I can add items no problem, but i seem to keep failing to delete the correct indexes. The array contains a …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for ceeandcee

Good Morning, I am working on a hockey pool site and am trying to build a standings page. You can see my output here [url]http://www.cornwallfantasyhockey.com/cfhl/standings2/[/url] I would like to be able to write code that will sort the PTS column in descending order, however the PTS value in each row …

Member Avatar for ceeandcee
Member Avatar for nick3592

hi i have done a header redirect to stop from the resending data in most browser but seem to have a problem with showing messages after that's done. After the user finishes doing something he or she gets redirected and there[s a message in a session either error or success. …

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for fenixZ

Hi, I have a class and i have unset() within a function in it which throws Parse error unexpected T_UNSET. Some code : [code] class foo { function abc() { unset($this->err['main']['sub']['TOBEDELETED']); } } [/code] Where I want to unset only key TOBEDELETED . What may cause this?

Member Avatar for fenixZ
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

i found that your supposed to use this: session.gc_maxlifetime but i dont know how. does anyone know how i can destroy a log in session so the user wont be logged in 30 minutes later. ?

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

The End.