21 Topics

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Member Avatar for ikel

The following code produces the XML file that I am after. $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); // pretty formatting $dom->formatOutput = true; // create root element $root = $dom->createElement('Poem'); $root->setAttribute('object_id', '542'); $dom->appendChild($root); // create title element $title = $dom->createElement('title'); $root->appendChild($title); // create a node for the title element $text = …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Dani

I just thought I'd share this because it took me a bit of time to figure out tonight. When members post content with MS Word quotes, etc., and they look funky on our UTF-8 websites, it's because those characters need to be converted to UTF-8. This bit of code worked …

Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo
Member Avatar for ccdsystems

Working with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional, using C#, with Microsoft SQL Server 2008. I have been tasked with taking an existing application, and making changes so that it can receive multiple languages in its text boxes without needing to configure ahead of time what language is to be used. …

Member Avatar for ccdsystems
Member Avatar for BenWard

Hello, I'm having some trouble with a £ sign, it's being displayed to the user as the <?> question-mark-in-a-black-diamond icon. I have an SQL Server database with a £ in a table. (Collation Latin_General_C1_AS which is analoguous to 8859-1) I have a PHP script which retreives this record without issue …

Member Avatar for BenWard
Member Avatar for ruhestorer

Hi, I have problems with getting data out of the **MS SQL Server 7.0** database in right encoding using **odbc** connection: $conn = odbc_connect("Driver={SQL Server};Server=$server;Database=$database; CharacterSet => UTF-8", $user, $password); I had the same problem when I used MS SQL Server 2005 and sqlsrv connection, but I found the solution. …

Member Avatar for ruhestorer
Member Avatar for teo236

I am writting a simple C++ programm and I want to generate outputs to the console but with the functions 'fwrite' and 'printf'. However, I can't print special characters like 'á', 'é', ... Here is a simple code: printf("Special character: 'ñ'"); Were the output was `±` I found that those …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for eReBoS

Hi, I have an application that converts the ascii characters within the excel file into hexa conversion ie. à to & #x00E0; but my application has one strict requirement and that is the excel file must be properly encoded in UTF-8. I have noticed that simply saving the excel file …

Member Avatar for giancan

Dear Friends, I'm having some troubles in my script connected with special characters. I built a program that is supposed to process some images in a folder and give back some files (xls and txt). Everything is fine in most of the cases, but if in the path (including filename) …

Member Avatar for giancan
Member Avatar for Dani

Sooo ... I learned during my schema migration that our webpages use UTF-8 encoding but our MySQL database (all InnoDB tables) uses latin1. After finally running some utf8_decode() php magic, I was finally able to successfully get all posts to display correctly again. However, now that I realize there's an …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for PoovenM

Greetings! I have a win32 native dll (perhaps that's not the correct term - it's basically a C compiled dll) that I'm accessing in C#. The method signature of the C code (not the actual signature in the dll): [code=C++] char* TestMethod() [/code] I'd like to access the [B]char*[/B] as …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for Mojtabarahimi

Hi guys I used the joomla cms for web development. Actually i install the roknewsrotator module and use it for Persian language that it decode with UTF-8. i don't know why the News rotators module want to show some news in UTF-8 language, at the end of the sentences it …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for bipies

Hi everubody! I have a huge issue with dates and encoding in my database. Two weeks ago I restored a database from an Xcloner copy to my site, since then all problems are there. My site language is Spanish, and I was using in Wordpress define('DB_CHARSET', 'UTF8'); Since then if …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for arunkumars

Hi, i cant seem to get my head around this 1. its about utf8 to u32 and vice versa. I have a file which is written using a custom logic by someone else in vc++, and am reading the same in my c sharp application. Initially while i was debugging …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for shandoosheri

Hi i have a lot of ANSI encoded files in the same folder with different extensions and i want to convert all this files into utf-8 encoded files so how can i do this in c# [I][B]Thank you [/B][/I]

Member Avatar for Alexpap
Member Avatar for Virangya

hi, i'm using UTF-8 in my database and when i insert unicode characters directly through database it's all fine. But when i'm inserting through an html form using php it sends some kind of other characters to the database e.g : &#3462;&#3514;&#3540;&#3510;&#3549;&#3520;&#3505;&#3530; how can i solve this...???

Member Avatar for Virangya
Member Avatar for masterofpuppets

Hello guys, Here's a problem that's giving me a hard time. I am working on a web server in Java and right now I want to enable the user to create a photo album. The user can type the album name in an <input> field in an HTML form. The …

Member Avatar for masterofpuppets
Member Avatar for smandape

Hello Experts, Kinda new to perl. I am using perl web API to get the data. The error is "application/xml; charset=UTF-8". I used 'use utf8' but doesn't seem to work. The line it gets stuck looks like something like this [CODE] my @candidates = $c->bookmarks_for(start => 1, tag =>'pubmed'); [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for diafol

Hi all. Having more problems with utf-8 and Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn. I'm running php (xampp) on Windows 7 (but it's also happening on my remote Linux site) and keep on getting nonsense with non-ASCII chars when they come from include files, e.g. INCLUDE FILE: 'inc.php' [CODE]<?php $simple = "Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn"; ?>[/CODE] MAIN FILE …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for arv3

Hello. I'm working with a webpage where its going to a Google Store Locator. [URL="http://code.google.com/intl/no-NO/apis/maps/articles/phpsqlsearch.html"]Goolge Store Locator guide[/URL] I did follow. I got it working for a while, but here in Norway we have some characters, ÆØÅ that we use. This is the problem. When I search for a place, …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for diafol

Hi all. Got a bit of a problem with this. Here's my code: [CODE]<?php header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <?php echo strtolower("TWIUBCÜ"); echo "TWIUBCÜ"; ?> </body> </html>[/CODE] OK, perhaps the header …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for gishi

Hi Guys, I was hoping someone can help me with this. I have a python program that reads and writes files in utf-8(unicode). When I run it in Eclipse, the output is perfectly fine. When I try making an exe file of my program it is not working. I also …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony

The End.