3 Topics

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Last evening, my friend [URL="http://blogs.zdnet.com/perlow"]Jason Perlow[/URL], IM'd me and told me to go to this [URL="http://download.cnet.com/Presto/3000-2094_4-10910300.html?tag=mncol"]link[/URL] and download a program called [URL="http://www.prestomypc.com"]Presto[/URL]. He had just returned from some "green" IT show in New York City and apparently had seen, or heard about, this Presto thing--a new Linux operating system that …

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Netbook's, or mini-laptops as they are known, popularity, low price, portability, and solid state technology make them prime targets for innovation. Companies like Cyberlink, a multi-media software developer, want in. Their PowerCinema Linux, a custom Linux distribution bundling media software including photo, music, video and a DVD player, may be …

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[URL="http://www.xandros.com"]Xandros, Inc.[/URL] announced July 3 that they have acquired the Linspire and Freespire desktop operating systems. This will further enhance their desktop operating system offerings and their "one stop shop" status for all things Linux. The [URL="http://www.cnr.com"]Click'N'Run[/URL] (CNR) software distribution facility was also acquired by Xandros. CNR technology allows users …


The End.