70 Topics

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Member Avatar for 6pandn21

Hello guys! I am very new to XSLT and am getting stuck in a very annoying problem. I have got a XSL file within with there is a part of code to book a place. Here is the code; [CODE]<xsl:when test="seats &gt; 0"> <td> <input onclick="sendBookRequest();" type="button" value="book"> <xsl:attribute name="onclick">sendBookRequest(<xsl:value-of …

Member Avatar for pankajagar2002

Hello , Please help me, i am facing problem to divide the xml in two parts. The xml is <aa> <x>1</x> <x>2</x> <x>3</x> <x>4</x> <x>5</x> <x>6</x> <x>7</x> <x>8</x> <x>9</x> <x>10</x> </aa> the x element contain some attriubte and child elements. and i want to divide the xml into two parts …

Member Avatar for varun0703
Member Avatar for k_manimuthu

Hi All, I am trying to get the maximum no of column in a table through XSLT code. Below i had placed the sample table format. Here column tagged as 'th' and 'td'. Some of the column having 'colspan' attribute. I am struggling how to add colspan value in a …

Member Avatar for varun0703
Member Avatar for prashantc13

Can somebody help me with the following problem, here is inputxml, xslt i'm using and expected output . actually i know it is because of unique generateid not getting generated this xslt failing to generate desired output but i don't know where that code should be inserted. InputXML [CODE=XML]<?xml version="1.0" …

Member Avatar for varun0703
Member Avatar for Alba Ra

Let's start with the problem: I am creating a XML-based CMS that has to run on the servers of French internet service provider and web host Free.fr. So I can't use SimpleXML as only a handul of [URL="http://wiki.free.fr/wiki/index.php/Fonction_php_active_free"]functions[/URL] are activated. I can only assume that it is the old [URL="http://fr.php.net/manual/en/book.xslt.php"]XSLT[/URL] …

Member Avatar for Alba Ra
Member Avatar for sdzahed

Hi, Iam very new to XSLT and XML. I am trying to invoke a javascript function from inside my xslt documen. The javascript snippet is as follows: [CODE] <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:js="urn:custom-javascript" exclude-result-prefixes="msxsl js" > <msxsl:script language = "JavaScript" implements-prefix = "js"> <![CDATA[ function compareCsvs (firstString,secondString) { var firstArray=firstString.split(","); …

Member Avatar for sdzahed
Member Avatar for Alba Ra

I wonder (as I couldn't find [I]anything[/I] either on DaniWeb or anywhere else) why should one use XML and XSLT rather than plain XHTML? I couldn't find a rationale arguing for the use of XML and XSLT in connection with dynamic web content stored in a database. Zend does provide …

Member Avatar for Alba Ra
Member Avatar for TeckniX

So I created a template for a simple link builder function. Problem is, when I use it, I don't get the link, I get just the text. Could anyone help me understand what I'm doing wrong? Thanks! [CODE] <xsl:variable name="ReadMore"> <xsl:call-template name="linkBuilder" > <xsl:with-param name="linkID" select="format-number(@ID, '#,##0.#;-#,##0.#')" /> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:variable> …

Member Avatar for sanket002

I have to check value of a variable in XSLT if it is null then i have to set it to default "$" so for that i have written following XSLT code: <XSL:variable name dummy select= "ArrayOfBookMark/BookMark[ShortName='Asp-7041-EndVar1]/Value"> <XSL:choose> <XSL:when test="($dummy!='')"> <XSL:variable name="dummy1" select="$dummy"/> </when> <XSL:otherwise> <XSL:variable name="dummy1" select="'$'"/> </XSL:variable> <XSL:otherwise> …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for EddieC

Yahoo Inc., the apple of Microsoft’s eye in recent weeks, has unveiled improvements to the [URL=http://developer.yahoo.com/] Yahoo Development Network[/URL], Web-service capabilities and advertiser opportunities. The moves could be seen as an attempt to show Yahoo’s value is greater than the US$40 billion acquisition bid of the Redmond giant. Most recent …


The End.