For me, I added some DaniWeb features, completely refactored the CSS, and baked for the first time in my life. My fiancé and I even had a bread bake-off.

Gronzelt commented: During covid, I stayed at home, worked online, and watched my favorite TV shows. +0

We've been keeping busy doing a renovation on my father-in-law's old house. He moved out in January. So far we have ripped out the carpets on the upper two levels (it's a three level back split) and put in laminate, retiled the upstairs bathroom, replaced the tub/shower with a new insert (we had a contractor come in), installed a central vac, and repainted the basement ceiling/walls.

We had to rent a dumpster (twice) to get rid of all the crap he piled up. Tha man never threw out anything. He added a sun-room when he moved in (1985) and we almost filled one dumpster with all the crap he had stored under it. I'd say we are about 98% done. I know we are all supposed to be staying at home but it's only four houses down and we can walk back and forth without getting close to anyone.

Manitoba is now down to 61 active cases of Covid-19 so there is talk of relaxing some of the restrictions over the next few weeks.

It sounds like the restrictions are already relaxed! Around here, there would be no possible way to go to the hardware store, buy laminate, have a contractor do work, rent a dumpster, etc. Construction work is not considered essential and so all construction-related work is prohibited (and the police are cracking down) unless it's emergency (plumbing/electric emergency etc.).

What was it like living 4 houses down from your in-laws?

The tub insert was done in February before the lockdown and we also picked up the laminate a few weeks prior. We didn't rip out carpets or lay the flooring until after things hit the fan. It was nice to have a project to keep us busy (and safe and at home/nearby) when things got crazy. Renting a dumpster was not a problem since they could drop it off in the driveway then pick it back up a week later with no actual contact. Less physical interaction than we have with our regular garbage pickup.

Living so close to the in-laws had good points and bad points. It was good for our boys to have the grandparents so close but there were odd times when tensions ran a bit high. For the most part we got along well, which is good because we saw them all summer at the cottage at Shebandowan as well. Our lot there is quite large. We had the cottage and the in-laws had a house trailer so everyone had their own space.

Manitoba is at 62 known active cases now.

Renting a dumpster was not a problem since they could drop it off in the driveway then pick it back up a week later with no actual contact.

Yeah, around here, those kinds of businesses are not considered essential (since construction is not allowed right now), and therefore just entirely not open. However, they are now talking about loosening some of the shelter in place restrictions in a couple of weeks.

I live right on the border of Santa Clara county and San Mateo county. San Mateo has 1K+ confirmed cases and Santa Clara has 2K+.

Still haven't left the house in well over a month except to take the dog for a walk on the hiking trail that follows the creek that divides the two counties. Because it's nestled in the suburban neighborhood, it hasn't been very crowded at all.

Both counties have closed all public parks and parking lots at trail heads, so you're only allowed to walk on trails you can walk/bike to from your home. Although you're allowed to go walking outside for exercise, driving to places to walk is prohibited, so you can only walk within your own neighborhood.

Which is PERFECTLY fine by me!! Remember how I moved back in early February?! Soooo glad I did because I love where I live now. I'm back in the neighborhood I used to live in, just renting for now until we can afford to eventually buy in this neighborhood.

If you go to the link I PMed you you can see there is lots of open space behind our house for dog walking. Even more if I want to cross the highway.

It happens every bread week on Bake Off. It constantly amazes me just how ... Will the revelation of this vaguely new form of bread have any effect on my life? ... Does it add to the feeling that I was the centre of some childhood conspiracy For me, I added some DaniWeb features, completely refactored the CSS, and baked for the first time in my life. My fiancé and I even had a bread bake-off.
The carpet is an even less invasive shade of beige and Mary Berry now has her face ... Thankfully though, we got in there before the saturation of baking. ... Some things stay constant though, and one of them is bread. ..

Even more if I want to cross the highway.

Isn't that dangerous?!

... I suppose there's a pedestrian bridge?

Nope. There are always breaks when it's safe to cross. We're talking Manitoba highways, not California highways.

But even if there's just a single car on an infrequently used highway, isn't that car going in excess of 60 mph, such that if it doesn't see you, it won't be able to brake in time?

It takes under 10 seconds to cross two lanes. Remember, I live on the prairies where you can stand on your front doorstep and watch your dog run away from home for four days.

Well, maybe not, but you can see cars coming from a long long way off. You can get the idea by following my google maps link and doing a street view.

commented: So you're a Flat Earther? +0

I am working remotely and there are too much work load.

But I have a plan to finish some digital marketing courses in coming days.

I am operating a dating and traveling related website. Traveling and writing is my hobby. So during the lockdown am working on my website. Recently I have wrote an article about my dating experiecnce in Canada. Two months ago I was on a holiday trip to Canada. Before this, I have never been to Canada. The first few days were very boring. Because I didn't know anyone in Canada. I was finding someone through dating online, but it was difficult. But in the end, I have got a great experience of dating in Canada. So I have written an article that is specifically written about my experience of dating in Canada. In this way I am spending my time during the lockdown.

So you're a Flat Earther?

Living where I am it's hard to dispute based solely on direct observation, unless you discount things like the shadow of the Earth on the moon, etc.

commented: As you may have guessed, I was joshing you there. But it does sound flatter than a pancake. +0

Working from home, playing guitar, some games, walking the (very spoiled) dog... always the same!;D

When this pandemic state started my boss told us (we are team of 200) to take our computers (mostly iMacs, there are about 20 MacBooks) home and work from there.

So everyone on your team has been bringing desktop computers for work home? Is the expectation that you have a desk space for it?

Exactly @Dani. Noone of us lives in small flat/one room apartment/similar. I mean everyone have space inside their flat/house to put their desktops and use them with some acceptable level of comfort. So yes, we are expected to do what we are told to do.

Besides, iMacs are not so hard to move around, not mentioning MacBooks which are laptops.

I spent the last 8 hours sorting screws, nails, and whatever. My younger son moved into my father-in-law's old house and we have been cleaning out his crap since mid January. He never threw out anything and saved about a billion drywall screws (which he absolutely loved to use to build anything) and every nail he ever bought or pulled (bent, rusty, or not). And of course everything was mixed up with everything else. But now it's done and my son and I each have our own tray consisting of sorted compartments of various lengths and types of screws and nails, and an assortment of metal washers.

Can anyone tell me the rationale behind Phillips head screws? Pop loved to use them and his technique was to drive them in with a variable-speed drill on high speed until the screw was stripped. It seems to me that square hole screws offer better drive (they don't pop out) and are much harder to strip, and easier to remove. And don't get me started on slot type screws.

We do find the occasional treasure. For example, he owned three belt sanders. I suppose he either forgot he alrready owned one or couldn't find it when he needed in. He also sa ved (in six different places) six pieces of diamond willow which we used to make this.


commented: 3 belt sanders? Sounds like a sand belt racing team to me. +0

Busy working on a the new Marketplace platform for my CMS community.

Sounds cool, deviance.

I checked out your site and it's reminding me of those good ole days when I was using the vBulletin platform and there was a whole community around it that I was active in.

commented: Sounds as if you regret creating DW. Am I right? +0

I definitely don't regret creating DaniWeb at all.

DaniWeb lived on the vBulletin forum platform for many, many years. I was extremely involved in the vBulletin community.

In 2012ish, for many reasons, it made sense to break off of vBulletin, and I recoded a platform from the ground up.

I certainly don't regret switching to our own codebase from a business or technical perspective. However, I do miss being such an active member of the vBulletin community and all of the friends I met there.

The reason I call it the good ole days is because one of the main reasons for switching off vBulletin was that it was sold to Internet Brands who took it in a different direction, and so I jumped ship at the same time as most other people did. (Most of them migrated to the Xenforo platform instead). So good ole days because now the entire vB community is just a shell of its former self.

commented: I had a vBulletin board and was really into it circa 2004 / 2005 or so Fond memories. I had forgotten that site until I read this :) +0

I keep busy at home, cleaning, reorganizing my apartment, read news, watching korean drama on netflix, exercise, cook a little bit, look at some open source projects, look at job boards

If you have Amazon Prime, I highly recommend Upload. It's an Amazon original. I binge watched it the other day.

Especially if you are a fan of The Good Place.

cleaning and reorganizing are probably the best solutions for most people )) however, I also work remotely (which isnot as effective as working from the office). Also, read a lot. A thing that is starting to become a little disturbing is that with time, my desire to go outside is fading. Like..... I'm getting used to isolaion when it's almost over.

Manitoba is down to 16 active cases so things are loosening up. And the Thunder Bay area has only 2 active cases, so we packed up and headed to our cottage at Shebandowan Lake. We'll probably have less contact with people out here than we would back home and there is lots to keep us occupied out here. The cottage itself (at least the original portion) is over 90 years old so there is always something that needs fixing.

Some time ago I started my own blog. So far, not many posts are there, but I have some serious plans regarding this blog. And Im pretty new to WordPress so Im still learning how to do things there.

Sorry, I'm new to the forum and did not understand how to leave comments, so I wrote the wrong one.In quarantine, I watched my favorite TV shows and worked online, also managed to pass the Horizon Zero Dawn.

I reamined busy during COVID-19 by doing the following ways:

  • Cook something new
  • Watch a documentary
  • Tried learning video editing
  • Started Freelancing
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