You may have encountered a weird error message trying to log into DaniWeb today.

We were victim to a signup attack yesterday where 1000+ bots figured out a way around our CAPTCHA and signed up. I've tightened up the signup + login forms today to prevent this from happening again in the future. In the meantime, there were moments of things not working on and off, as I was tweaking the settings, because, let's face it, I code in production.

rproffitt commented: Wait a second. Need more traffic and members, remember this one weird trick! +0

On the plus side, 1000+ new members!

Should I top post about my Lenny phone bot? I got tired of the spam calls so I looked at call attendant systems but for home use there are few less than hundreds of dollars. So I settled on Lenny.

I have the bathroom to finish up then maybe hire Dani to help with my garage (amazing job there) but I bet I'll have to deal with that and my office on my own.

Sorry, I’m not understanding. Help you with your garage? Amazing job there? Amazing job with your garage? Sorry, I’m super confused.

Dani shared her garage cleanup somewhere and it did look nice. A lot has happened since then so maybe it's gone from the memory banks.

Ooooh. That was an early COVID project at our old rental townhouse. We're now using our garage as a home gym.

It has just come to my attention that a small percentage of users were unable to create new accounts by logging into Facebook or Google since the change 2 days ago. This bug should now be fixed. Sorry about that!

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