The White House continues to insist that inflation will soon subside and that the U.S. will return to its pre-coronavirus prosperity. But the Biden administration's regulatory agenda actually ensures that the post-

I suppose that depends on several factors, the most significant being if the GOP will block any legislation that the Democrats try to implement to reduce inflation (and then complain about the do-nothing Democrats). Of course, the only reason I have to think that is everything the Republicans have said and done since January of 2009. We've seen in the US (and now Great Britain) that the Conservative solution to everything is tax cuts for the rich. We know that trickle down economics doesn't work (except for the wealthy) but apparently trickle down stupidity is an effective political strategy.

Sorry but no. The GOP has taken a weird turn to automatically vote against measures in almost all cases and move to strip us of our rights.

Another example was to remove Obamacare but they never would reveal what the new plan was. Actually for me it was very simple. Have no affordable care because it's best for companies!

-> In the latest twist GOP voted against funding Hurricane response and when the support came, claimed it was their efforts that obtained it.

You might get away with such with your base, but the hypocrisy is hard to ignore.

Two responses is probably more than the OP deserves. In any case I suspect the motive for making the OP is...


commented: "Both sides" but one side is Nazi. I thought this would be easy. +0
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