Name: Brent
Height: 6'2"
Weight: Large, and that's all you'll get out of me :D
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Location: Oklahoma City
Age: 61
Hobbies: Family, music, growing things, antiques, old stuff, learning new things

Relationship Status: Committed relationship for 17 years

Music: Moody Blues, Cher (yeah I know a cliche), jazz, classical, Meatloaf, Jackson Brown, rock, driving fast music, blasting rock

Education: Bachelors in Business Administration, Network Training,
Computer Forensic Training, Windows server training

Work: Self-employed computer forensic analysis for 7 years(this I love); chief financial officer for small oil company(this pays the bills)

Favorite Food: Yes

Favorite Movies: Most syfy, Brokeback Mountain, Independence Day, Jurassic Park(s), romantic comedies, most things by Tyler Perry, any of the Tuna, Tx plays, Cheyenne Autumn, Nunsense, and lots of others, yeah Netflix

Favorite TV Shows: CSI, most all; Law and Order, all; Waiting for God, Vicar of Dibly, Stargate SG-1, Dirty Jobs, some documentaries,

Favorite Video Games: I don't play video games. I know there's a special place in hell.

Stuff you Dislike: Rudeness, drivers who don't drive like I think they should(and yes I realize), loud anyone in an inappropriate setting, ties, hatred and bigotry, fundamentalist anything, liver and most all politics and organized religion.

The Old Ways Live!

Thanks and salutations to the Queen!

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