I found a great site that offers a free service for bloggers and advertisers to put them in touch with one another. You register your blog for free, or use it to find a blogger to talk about your site and link to it.

If any of you bloggers are interested, the site is buyablogger.com

what is up with buyablogger.com
it redirects to milliondollarwiki

I would never even register to such a site that redirects its own domain to another subpage of a different site (can't explain it, its just me)

I think they're using their initial traffic to leverage their visibility on MDW. They bought like 20 pages.

Here's another cooperative blog promo site that is in beta at the moment:


There are so much of paid blogging services out there, buyablogger doesn't even look like it could afford to pay, there's payperpost, smorty, reviewme, sponsoredreviews and many others, if you wanna try out paid blogging try one of them.

i suggest you don't though, if you depend on google a lot, they don't like paid blogging and are looking to penalize blogs sponsored by paid blogging.

p.s. it does not redirect anywhere it goes directly to buyablogger.com

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