Hello All,

I am new in SEO. Could you please tell me about PR as per SEO. What is the process of Google to provide a PR for a web page?

Thanks & Regards,

Google PR, or PageRank, is a part of Google's ranking algorithm in which every individual page of a site is ranked (aka has its own Page Rank) based on how many other pages on the web link to it, and the authority of those pages (in other words, the quality and quantity of sites linking to each of them).

page rank shows how important is your page in a search engines..

Good one "cscgal". Yes, Google defines the Page Rank i.e. importance for a webpage according to certain criteria.

Page Rank varies between 0 to 10.

As per i am concerned. Pr is a number given by google.. It shows the importance of your page in google's view..

its a ranking algorithm introduce by Google to check the popularity of websites on the bases of number from 0 to 10 ...

it is know as Google Page Rank or simply PR..

A page rank is a link analysis algorithm. It is developed by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Stanford.Which is used to shows how important is your page in a search engines.

PR is Page Rank. Page Rank is that numeric value which is given by search engine to your website.

No one seems to have mentioned it yet so I guess I will ... Toolbar PR is not what it used to be, and is today rarely updated and not a true reflection of the internal PR that is used in the Google algorithm. It's for show only.

(in other words, the quality and quantity of sites linking to each of them).

Google counts backlinks when it gives PR to any sites. PR depends on backlinks and if we have more quality backlinks, it is better for us to get good pagerank.

/rant/ BTW, it's kind of obnoxious when people keep asking the same questions over and over again. Search before you post, folks ;) There are about a million threads on here asking what PR is. /end rant/

PageRank or PR is the ranking algorithm by Google. There is a Wikipedia article that explains this in detail. PR is computed on the link structure of a website. Computation is based on the number of inbound and outbound links and the quality and relevancy of these links.

PR means Page Rank developed by Google to give a rank between 0 to 10 to your site according to your quality of link building.it's like a tool.

PR is the page rank and its a scale of the importance of your website.
pr are from 0-9.

PR is basically Page Rank, It is a term specified by search engine Google that show the importance of that particular website or web page.

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