We read several article on how to increase PR in google search. But still there are rich content and social blogging stands first in row. You need to create a page with proper keywords and content. You need to find correct PR websites to put your blog and product listing.

Simply by doing proper SEO, adding useful and quality content, backlinks from related sites and doing social media optimzation.

Not only keywords and contents are important you also need baclinks from good Page Ranking sites to improve your PR.

Will you help me to understand how to get better quality links? and how to build those?

Suggest some tool for website ranking ?

@Sathyakumar23 Don't take the help of any tools because its going to kill your ranking !

The above advice, except Kelly's is no use at all.

Break Google's rules, get killed
Google's rules, Google 101 how google crawls the web
instructions for your site, are directly personalised in your google webmaster tools account
GET a Google webmaster tools account, follow the instructions

read Read Me before you ask for review, code compliant sites rank higher in SER follow the instructions

tools, paid services, link exchanges, get results
not the result wanted,
just a result,
which is all the money-grubbing bottom-feeding scum-suckers promise from their service.

Ignore any other site, google make the rules, all others comply

Links in fora must be relevant.

Kelly's link for a web analyst, in a website design forum, is relevant, positive results.
Manish's link for online real estate, is not relevant.
SEBots are very AI, and downgrade irrelevant links rapidly, posting links just to gain links DOES NOT WORK

not all advice is equal in value
my sites are education housing mining related, not relevant, no links,

"just ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp: retired at 38, doing something right"

create unique content and most important thing is selecting keywords, choose keywords with high search volume and low competition and perform on-page seo and bulid backlinks from relevant websites, try to get backlinks from higher DA sites.

Five Ways to Improve your Site's Ranking (SEO)
Publish Relevant Content. Quality content is the number one driver of your search engine rankings and there is no substitute for great content. ...
Update Your Content Regularly. You've probably noticed that we feel pretty strongly about content. ...
Metadata. ...
Have a link-worthy site. ...
Use alt tags.

Improve Your On-Page SEO
Research New Keywords
Optimize Your Content With Long-Tail Keywords
Build On Competitor Keywords
Make A Few Good Guest Posts Each Month

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