As social media gains more popularity and frequent use, many news outbreaks have started on twitter or other forms of social media just to be validated by established more expensive media. So with this issue becoming more commonplace, do you think that one day, there will be no more established media?

Good question... I think there will always be a need for professional journalism but the medium of which we receive our information is ever evolving. So while there will still be 'established media,' I think you will see a major push in the next few years for newspapers and other established outlets in having a greater 'online' presence.

I have seen a number of reporters who have switched from working exclusively for a particular news service to being freelancers who blog. I think a happy medium will be met but the traditional media will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into full acceptance of their new media brethern

Taking this into consideration, many journalists/news casters may not have the skills to go digital. Do you think this can be the case?

Taking this into consideration, many journalists/news casters may not have the skills to go digital. Do you think this can be the case?

Some do, some will adapt and others will retire and write a book about their careers.

Very true just like many folded types of professions.

I think that the journalists who are thinking about entering the blogosphere offer an opportunity for the makers of WordPress, Joomla and other CMS that can be used for blogging to market to the journalist community. By showing them that it is easy and painless they could have a very loyal following amoung journalists much the same way that WordPerfect had/has with the legal community.

Well choices lie in the hands of people,
If the choice had to be kept with me, I would not have liked that this way......!

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