Does twitter effect your serp rank?
If it does, is it long term, short term, or does it depend on retweets and views?

Does twitter effect your serp rank?
If it does, is it long term, short term, or does it depend on retweets and views?

As per my knowledge twitter helps to build traffic and to build a good network.

Another forum had suggested that twitter doesn't base its serp effects off of links directly but rather the quality and amount of followers, then it pulls the relative content from the profile or retweets and that is what effects your serp. Then again other people came right back and said it was complete FUBAR so I don't know what to go with or whether or not to invest my time in really building a twitter following.

As far as traffic, twitter only provides temp traffic and not much of it becomes or organic (that I've experienced), so its not dependable. But if it turns out that twitter does effect your serps then your getting traffic and serp rankings with the effort you put in so answers are needed, haha.

Ya,twitter works,it increase page traffic by increasing followers.

Any proof?

No, they were just here to spam their signature links and posting any old rubbish in order to do so...

just watch the QA session of 2011 by matt cutts on you tube. you can find it googlewebmasterhelp videos. It does affect your website ranking as well. Not only twitter but facebook and google plus also.

Does twitter effect your serp rank?
If it does, is it long term, short term, or does it depend on retweets and views?

SERP rank depends on the traffic got and the quality content. As how much your site content be found more time that much you get your serp rank increase. And if you have provided the best quality content in your twitter post and more followers then it will definitely help to get the better serp using twitter.

social mentions are part of the Google panda update. Increase tweets share will helps for SERP domination

I think it is Yes, Major search engines like Google use social media metrix and signals a lot to determine the relevance and significance of a website hence it is important to stay active in social networking sites like twitter

Yeah it does effects your SERP ... Without Social Media You can't be on the top of the ranking.

Yes,twitter is quite helpful for getting SERPs ranking.

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