I have a project. People will buy an e-book or pdf file. And the price of it will be only $ 5. Send me a private message if you say I can edit an external home page so people can buy and buy this book. There is no material expectation. We only need the ability to WRITE MARKETING.

Sorry, I guess I’m not understanding what you’re saying. What do you mean if I think you can edit an external homepage so people will buy the book? Sorry but I don’t know what you mean by that?

commented: I mean to convince people in writing or visually to buy the file to be sold. +0

They aren’t soliciting help by email. They’re asking for people to private message them (through DaniWeb, which is fine) and not for help. The rule exists so that the masses of DaniWeb lurkers can benefit from people who take the time to help others, instead of just using DaniWeb strictly as a recruitment platform to solicit for off-site assistance.

However, I’m still rather confused what they want us to message them for. Message them if we think they can do something? I’m quite confused.

Private message is like an email so I think the rule applies. Let's hope rserhatduygun tells more about what they need.

The reply so far sounds like they are soliciting for sales positions.

commented: I think I have made it very clear what I need. I'm looking for someone capable of preparing a marketing content. +0

Private message is like an email so I think the rule applies.

I see it differently. From my perspective, as a platform creator, I'm happy whenever users are engaging with the platform I created. One of the purposes behind DaniWeb Connect was to broaden our audience by getting people who are not "forum people" to engage with DaniWeb, with tools such as mentor matchmaking and one-on-one mentoring. I've been seeing traditional forums decline for years and years now, and it's not just us. It's just the nature of online forums having been replaced with other tools and technologies that do a better job at giving the end-user what they want. So DaniWeb Connect is my stab at hopefully building one of those tools that can be more attractive than forums to millennials nowadays. I see "I need help so email me at me@example.com" as different because that comes across to me as using the DaniWeb platform, which is a communication platform, not to communicate, but only to recruit our users off of it for their own personal interests, which is equivalent to link spam. (Link spam is also using the site for the sole purpose of broadcasting to our users to leave it and go to them instead.)

I think I have made it very clear what I need. I'm looking for someone capable of preparing a marketing content.

Sorry, I don't think this was clear at all. You need someone to write marketing material for you? Are you saying that you have an eBook and you will pay $5 for someone to write content on your promotional page to download the eBook? I was under the impression actually that you had an eBook you were selling for $5 and you wanted people to reach out to you if they wanted to buy it.

This is a diagram as I see DaniWeb communications. There's email involved as we get alerts to activity.
Note: Source XKCD comics with a light edit.

rserhatduyun hopefully with clear up what they have and what they want. Their last two words at the top post were "WRITE MARKETING." which to me is what your sales or lead generation people do.

Given today's market I'd head straight to ebooks and Amazon.

commented: Love how <DaniWeb> was added there! +16

This is a diagram as I see DaniWeb communications.

Sorry, I don't follow? That XKCD just seems like it's poking fun at how many social networks there are, and how many different ways there are to communicate with the same people, and how silo'ed so many of the social networks are, and how email and SMS can reach mostly everyone.

There's email involved as we get alerts to activity.

I think maybe you're missing my point? Which is that I consider when someone posts "email me to give me help" the equivalent of link spam, because they are using the site for the sole purpose of broadcasting to our users tro leave it and go to them instead outside the scope of our platform. But when someone posts "message me on DaniWeb to give me help" I consider it them using the DaniWeb platform in the way in which it was designed.

The XKCD was the best representation I could find about all these message systems. It is light hearted in my view.

I guess we need to message rserhatduyan to ask what they want here. Maybe they are afraid to tell in the open. You find folk that think they have a gold mine rarely want to talk about the mine's location, operations and such.

You find folk that think they have a gold mine rarely want to talk about the mine's location, operations and such.

Ahh, which is why I expanded the DaniWeb feature-set to include private one-on-one mentorship while still keeping these users within the DaniWeb brand. See what I did there? :)

No more guessing. I sent them a DaniWeb direct message asking for more detail.

commented: Yay! +0
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