Which antivirus do you use the most?

What comes with W10. But I don't use torrents, cracked apps or such.

I don't use any antivirus software on my macOS. For Windows, just whatever comes with Windows 10, as rproffitt says.

Microsoft Defender

Same here - what comes with Windows 10.

Bitdefender Antivirus, Systweak antivirus, Norton 360, McAfee Antivirus are the best so far.

commented: Do you even own a PC? Some of those are garbage. -4

I don't even think I have an antivirus, but thanks to all the info you shared I will choose one from this discussion.

I've been using Norton Antivirus and found it great. It offers unbeatable virus and malware protection. It’s a well-built and well-maintained internet security suite that fully ensures all information stays secure, private, and protected — and it works well across all operating systems. Plus its subscriptions are also good.

Sounds like they have improved it. I have had to remove it from two computers (friends and family) because it was such a resource hog.

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