Would you fix how to for me the issue that it keeps preventing attached excel from opening, it shows the dialogbox of connecting to d.docs.live.net to enter your window Live ID credentials.

Tell us what happens when you enter those credentials.

You may have left out details such as you have a new PC and it came with the new Office which is "Live" and you want to run Office 2003 instead. To do that you remove the Office the PC came with and install your copy. This is not automatic and sometimes I have to run Revo (google that if you haven't heard of it.)

Thanks for your comment and feedback. It is fixed.

The issue of clearing a Security Warning: Automatic update of links has been disabled in Excel to be fixed is

Go to Data >> Edit Links and find that there's a reference to "<PBM MSR November 2008.xls", and the Document
Inspector confirms that there are links in the file. Then, search in the formulas for the whole workbook, and
Find/Replace finds nothing with that file name or extension. click Break Links and, after saving and reopening
the file, the issue stops.

commented: That doesn't sound like a fix but a product defect! šŸ… +16
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