can someone help me to better understand what I am doing wrong with the attahced flowchart?

here is the attachment

Try attaching a picture (as a PNG), like niek_e's reply to one of your earlier efforts.

A fair number of people can't even read .doc files.
A still larger number of people have no interest in opening a file who's basic architecture is rife with virus opportunities.

flowchart in jpg format

I take it the red text is what your tutor wrote?

So what's the problem then?
They tell you what to do, so just go do it.

I take it the red text is what your tutor wrote?

So what's the problem then?
They tell you what to do, so just go do it.

Im not sure what to do? This assignment has been graded but I want to know what it should read. can you tell me?

I'm going out on a limb here and suggesting that you didn't do the original work.

I can't figure out how you could have stumbled into "this method is correct" by understanding anything, and then faced with "this method should be called ..." and NOT know what to do.

Likewise, "you have to get a response" is pretty self evident to me as to what it should be.
Like draw a box and put "get response from user" inside it.

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