hi people,

In my hour of need I didnt know who to turn to, until I came across this forum.

People I'm really stuck on a creating a project for my final year and I'm hoping someone will read this and offer their guru advice.

I'm basically studying a Multimedia and Internet systems degree. I would like to do a project associated with some sort of networking, maybe something involved around sync bluetooth to mobile devices or even sercurity such as a honey pots. My problem lies that at then end of this project I'm meant to come with a piece of software that can implement what my porject is on. As result im looking for an interesting project will not too complex programming, does such a project exist???????

PLEASE HELP, any ideas are welcomed, thx.


Final year project has a great importance in the engineering studies. Often when you go for your first job, you are asked about your project. And many a times your project is responsible for your first job.

A project in Mobile Computing or Embedded technologies would be a great choice keeping the present situation in mind. These two areas have a great scope for growth. What I suggest is some innovative thinking would add a great deal of weightage in your career.
Try thinking that has never been done before. After all it counts to be the pioneer

All the best!

[IMG]http://mail.google.com/mail/images/star_off_sm_2.gif[/IMG] goldston raja to Madhusudhan
More options 8:58 pm (4 hours ago)
Hi Man,
It is good to know that you like to do you final year project on Embedded System..I have a very good project on Embedded System..
My project Title is:Mobile and Sound Activated Robotic Vehicle Using Embedded System.
This project I started during my academics and now it is fully done..I am a Software Engg from Bangalore.But I am more interested in Electronics field as I am also from ECE.I have taken my project which I have described above for many Competitions and won several Laural's..I dont want my hard work and embedded brain to go vain.If you are interested ,then let me know..I will guide you through entire project.Also in my project you will use all the technical skills that you have pursued for three years in your B.E.
My mobile no is [snipped]..Call me during evening 6 PM...

Good luck,
with warm regards,

[IMG]http://mail.google.com/mail/images/star_off_sm_2.gif[/IMG] goldston raja to Madhusudhan
More options 8:58 pm (4 hours ago)
Hi Man,
It is good to know that you like to do you final year project on Embedded System..I have a very good project on Embedded System..
My project Title is:Mobile and Sound Activated Robotic Vehicle Using Embedded System.
This project I started during my academics and now it is fully done..I am a Software Engg from Bangalore.But I am more interested in Electronics field as I am also from ECE.I have taken my project which I have described above for many Competitions and won several Laural's..I dont want my hard work and embedded brain to go vain.If you are interested ,then let me know..I will guide you through entire project.Also in my project you will use all the technical skills that you have pursued for three years in your B.E.
My mobile no is [snipped]..Call me during evening 6 PM...

Good luck,
with warm regards,

http://mail.google.com/mail/images/star_off_sm_2.gif goldston raja to Madhusudhan
More options 8:58 pm (4 hours ago)
Hi Man,
It is good to know that you like to do you final year project on Embedded System..I have a very good project on Embedded System..
My project Title is:Mobile and Sound Activated Robotic Vehicle Using Embedded System.
This project I started during my academics and now it is fully done..I am a Software Engg from Bangalore.But I am more interested in Electronics field as I am also from ECE.I have taken my project which I have described above for many Competitions and won several Laural's..I dont want my hard work and embedded brain to go vain.If you are interested ,then let me know..I will guide you through entire project.Also in my project you will use all the technical skills that you have pursued for three years in your B.E.
My mobile no is [phone snipped]..Call me during evening 6 PM...

Good luck,
with warm regards,

thnx for that info...........can i hav ur mail id...........mine is [email]snipped[/email]

i m ANKIT SHAH(<<email snipped>>),studying in last year (B.E.IT) need an idea for final yea project.
i need ur messenger id since i want to proceed with similar final year project.

http://mail.google.com/mail/images/star_off_sm_2.gif goldston raja to Madhusudhan
More options 8:58 pm (4 hours ago)
Hi Man,
It is good to know that you like to do you final year project on Embedded System..I have a very good project on Embedded System..
My project Title is:Mobile and Sound Activated Robotic Vehicle Using Embedded System.
This project I started during my academics and now it is fully done..I am a Software Engg from Bangalore.But I am more interested in Electronics field as I am also from ECE.I have taken my project which I have described above for many Competitions and won several Laural's..I dont want my hard work and embedded brain to go vain.If you are interested ,then let me know..I will guide you through entire project.Also in my project you will use all the technical skills that you have pursued for three years in your B.E.
My mobile no is [snipped]..Call me during evening 6 PM...

Good luck,
with warm regards,

please let me also know bout the same project. it's a very interesting title and would love to know more bout it. my mail id is <<email snipped>> minus the spaces betn..

commented: Yeah, and minus the space between the ears as well - does it echo when you think? -3

[IMG]http://mail.google.com/mail/images/star_off_sm_2.gif[/IMG] goldston raja to Madhusudhan
More options 8:58 pm (4 hours ago)
Hi Man,
It is good to know that you like to do you final year project on Embedded System..I have a very good project on Embedded System..
My project Title is:Mobile and Sound Activated Robotic Vehicle Using Embedded System.
This project I started during my academics and now it is fully done..I am a Software Engg from Bangalore.But I am more interested in Electronics field as I am also from ECE.I have taken my project which I have described above for many Competitions and won several Laural's..I dont want my hard work and embedded brain to go vain.If you are interested ,then let me know..I will guide you through entire project.Also in my project you will use all the technical skills that you have pursued for three years in your B.E.
My mobile no is [snipped]..Call me during evening 6 PM...

Good luck,

Thank You!
I'm looking for a final year project and i have no idea up to now. If you can help me I would be very gratefull.Please reply to me.

With warm regards,

commented: Have you looked under the carpet, or behind the sofa? Lot's of things collect there. Who knows, you'll get domain experience for your life as a janitor -7

I'm looking for a final year project and i have no idea up to now. If you can help me I would be very gratefull.Please reply to me.

With warm regards,

Yes I can help you, what do you need, which language are you planing to code your project ? VB , Java or C++ or VC++ ?
How many hours of effort can you put for your project assignment?
Or else you are looking for a readymade one ?

Dear friends,

I am doing my bachelors in Telecommunications ... I need help regarding my Final year project ... For the past few days I was thinking about making a tool for RF planning ... but it seems to be something which has been worked upon for quite sometime and I wanted to do something a little new ... something like providing Location based services, Direction finding applications or maybe something which can help us in our daily lives but which has to do with Wireless communications ... I hope you can give me a starting idea so that I can work my way through it !!!


commented: You wandered in, you wandered out - that's direction finding - enjoy -7

Dear friends,

I am doing my bachelors in Telecommunications ... I need help regarding my Final year project ... For the past few days I was thinking about making a tool for RF planning ... but it seems to be something which has been worked upon for quite sometime and I wanted to do something a little new ... something like providing Location based services, Direction finding applications or maybe something which can help us in our daily lives but which has to do with Wireless communications ... I hope you can give me a starting idea so that I can work my way through it !!!


Yes you can buy a GPS device + Reader
connect to your laptop with a serial cable and get the position of your laptop ,etc.

i wanna ur project. where's ur number.......?

[IMG]http://mail.google.com/mail/images/star_off_sm_2.gif[/IMG] goldston raja to Madhusudhan
More options 8:58 pm (4 hours ago)
Hi Man,
It is good to know that you like to do you final year project on Embedded System..I have a very good project on Embedded System..
My project Title is:Mobile and Sound Activated Robotic Vehicle Using Embedded System.
This project I started during my academics and now it is fully done..I am a Software Engg from Bangalore.But I am more interested in Electronics field as I am also from ECE.I have taken my project which I have described above for many Competitions and won several Laural's..I dont want my hard work and embedded brain to go vain.If you are interested ,then let me know..I will guide you through entire project.Also in my project you will use all the technical skills that you have pursued for three years in your B.E.
My mobile no is [snipped]..Call me during evening 6 PM...

Good luck,
with warm regards,

commented: I want my MTV -7

Most of the egg students in india are looking for ready made projects on internet or either purchasing one from the project shop lists in magazines or frm word of mouth in campus.

If you need ready made project assistance then look at the http://scribd.com ,you can postyour own project when you done with it.

You can look some new project ideas at http://www.projecttopics.info There are as many as 100 project ideas which will be helpful for your query.

commented: Anything for a fast buck huh? -3

Sir, i need some information about your project, as i m in final year and looking for some good project.

commented: #include <std_fail.h> -7

[IMG]http://mail.google.com/mail/images/star_off_sm_2.gif[/IMG] goldston raja to Madhusudhan
More options 8:58 pm (4 hours ago)
Hi Man,
It is good to know that you like to do you final year project on Embedded System..I have a very good project on Embedded System..
My project Title is:Mobile and Sound Activated Robotic Vehicle Using Embedded System.
This project I started during my academics and now it is fully done..I am a Software Engg from Bangalore.But I am more interested in Electronics field as I am also from ECE.I have taken my project which I have described above for many Competitions and won several Laural's..I dont want my hard work and embedded brain to go vain.If you are interested ,then let me know..I will guide you through entire project.Also in my project you will use all the technical skills that you have pursued for three years in your B.E.
My mobile no is [snipped]..Call me during evening 6 PM...

Good luck,
with warm regards,

I am interested in this project could you tell me how it you did it.the problem is we can't exchange contacts here so just reply through this post

commented: You need to complete your OWN project and quit begging here. -2
commented: bong - FAIL -7

hi.... 'm in my final yr engineering... really confused as to wat topic to take up as my project.. can u pls help me...

Yes I can help you, what do you need, which language are you planing to code your project ? VB , Java or C++ or VC++ ?
How many hours of effort can you put for your project assignment?
Or else you are looking for a readymade one ?

commented: Try using English, not some dribble on the keyboard -7

hi.... 'm in my final yr engineering... really confused as to wat topic to take up as my project.. can u pls help me...

Write a translator that converts "IM speak" to intelligent, professional language. Use it yourself and encourage your classmates to use it as well. It will be of great benefit in the journey to the professional working world.

thanks 4 the gr8 idea... i wud be happy if u cud help me out on this...

Write a translator that converts "IM speak" to intelligent, professional language. Use it yourself and encourage your classmates to use it as well. It will be of great benefit in the journey to the professional working world.

commented: Unlikely. You don't catch on too quick. -2
commented: idiot homework kiddo -4
commented: Cows chew cud, try spelling -7

thanks 4 the gr8 idea... i wud be happy if u cud help me out on this...

Are you familiar with the word sarcasm?

We also have this huge "searchbox" on the right side of the screen, using it will give you a few ideas on a final year topic....

If you want some replies in the future: click

help.... am a final yr student studying Business Information Technolgy really confused on what topic to choose

commented: Welcome to the honey pot, you've just been caught along with all the other flies -7

You didn't read any of this thread at all, did you? :icon_rolleyes:

commented: s'all right - so long as they can read a menu, and write down what people ask for, they'll be fine. +17

thnx for that info...........can i hav ur mail id...........mine is [email]snipped[/email]

may i have ur email id and information abt ur project. my mail id is [email removed]

commented: Read the thread and drop the lazy chat room speak. -2
commented: Too lazy even to spell an email address properly - sheesh -4

sir i m saif, in last year of my computer engg. i have the same problem as my friends have. plz reply me at my email address that is <snipped>i will be damn thankfull to u if u please help me in this regard. thankz u in anticipation.

commented: Fail. -3
commented: Another 1-post drive by - with cookies!!! -3

sir i m saif, in last year of my computer engg. i have the same problem as my friends have. plz reply me at my email address that is <snipped>i will be damn thankfull to u if u please help me in this regard. thankz u in anticipation.

What is the problem sir, why cannot you program something yourself for final year project assignment ?

commented: now now, we can't be so polite -2
commented: Works for me :) +36

hey guys...
i m also doing my final year project...and its already half of semester and i have to submit it till end...its about language translation from hindi to english...can anyone help me please...i really need ur help guys plzzz

commented: Nope, do it yourself, we're not project "rescue rangers" -6

hi my name is sumanth final year ec lokking for a challenging project.........

commented: Why bother, you've already failed at reading the forum rules. -7

This is one of the most - amusing? - threads in a while.

Closing thread because is attracting attention of lazy students and shameless project sellers.

commented: Bravo! +10
commented: Nice shootin' Tex +17
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