Hello Friends,

I am trying to implement the Recurrent Reinforcement Learning algorithm found in this paper

I am hoping that someone here can help me develop at least a pseudo code version of the algorithm. I plan to implement the final version in C#. This is for a school project and I would be most grateful for any help that you might be willing to offer.

Best Regards,

How far have you got ?

How far have you got ?

Not terribly far I'm afraid. I have a decent understanding of Perceptrons and MLP Neural Networks. I think I am just getting caught up on some of the math notation.

For example, in Equation 8 I am not familiar with the curly bracket notation. I also do not have much experience implementing code to solve partial differential equations.

Why did you pick this paper ?

Maybe you need to talk to your maths teacher about the curly brackets ?

Then try and draw a flow diagram which lists the steps the program need to go through to get the answer you need.

It would also be worth using some real data to work through the problem manually, so you fully understand the calculations and yu have some test data to test your program with when it is working.

Why did you pick this paper ?

Maybe you need to talk to your maths teacher about the curly brackets ?

Then try and draw a flow diagram which lists the steps the program need to go through to get the answer you need.

It would also be worth using some real data to work through the problem manually, so you fully understand the calculations and yu have some test data to test your program with when it is working.

I have access to real data, but its not worth much without an implemented algorithm to run it through. I was hoping that someone more adept in this area would be able to knock out the pseudo code in a few minutes, but perhaps its not as simple as it seems in the paper.

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