hi there i have a database which is MS SQLserver 2008 and ihave a database called AdminApp. from visual studio 2008 i add the database and the connection is succeded, but when i get the connection string and add it to my DB class for the db string and run the application i says, can't login to the database, and note the pasword is displayed as ******* in the connection string. but when i erase ******** and type in the letters for the password the connection is ok and it logs in to the database,
why is this happening,
how can i solve this,
please help me in this

May be your connection string is stored with wrong credentials.

Find more on connection strings.

May be your connection string is stored with wrong credentials.

Find more on connection strings.

the credinals are correct, the connection string is below

Data Source=SERVER;Initial Catalog=Employee;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=abc123!

the credinals are correct, the connection string is below

Data Source=SERVER;Initial Catalog=Employee;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=abc123!

hi please does anyone know the solution for this, when i copy the connection string directly from the database it says that the password is wrong,
but i nave to type the password, which is displayed in readable characters

and you returned after 2 and 1/2 months to say this.

have you tried to use the above provided link ?

and you returned after 2 and 1/2 months to say this.

have you tried to use the above provided link ?

yes, that dosen't solve anything

Try generating the connection string using an UDL file.

generate database connection string using .net sqldatasource

Try generating the connection string using an UDL file.

udl isn't supported by .net

generate database connection string using .net sqldatasource

hey that was how i am doing

udl isn't supported by .net

do not use the UDl file directly, generate the connection string using UDL and later use the connection string.

do not use the UDl file directly, generate the connection string using UDL and later use the connection string.

yes this is throught .NET right.

that is the way I am doing

generate database connection string using .net sqldatasource

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