7 Topics

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Member Avatar for ryan.legow

So I am trying to make my own version of chmod using C, the modifications are to make lowercase add permissions while uppercase remove permissions (instead of using + or - to add and remove). Also, I am trying to print a help message and exit if the command cannot …

Member Avatar for ryan.legow
Member Avatar for theashman88

Allow others access files in your home directory by granting them "search" permissions. Create a publicly searchable, but not listable, subdirectory to your home directory, ~/pub. Create two subdirectories of ~/pub, both searchable and listable to only the members of the groups music and wrestle, respectively: ~/pub/music and ~/pub/wrestle. Note …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for lukas.vandendijssel

Hello, I am sharing my webserver with a few people (it's my server) and I am trying to create some sort of an admin panel for them. It has to be able to change Apache VirtualHosts and reload Apache. Now I can make the config-changing PHP code, but there are …

Member Avatar for lukas.vandendijssel
Member Avatar for fmatin

Hello! I just made a LAMP server out of an old computer, Ubuntu 10.04. Everything is set up properly, or so I thought. Whenever I upload a file to the "public_html" folder via ftp, the permissions are reset so that it says "Forbidden" when I try to access it. Then …

Member Avatar for Tabone3

I never uploaded a file before and I'm finding some problems regarding uploading a file in a directory which have some security. I searched on the internet and I found out that I need to make use of [I][B][U]chmod[/U][/B][/I] php function however I have been fighting against my computer for …

Member Avatar for tomato.pgn
Member Avatar for BLUEC0RE

My original plan was to pipe "ls -l", get the permission string that represented the file in question. Translate the string of 'r's 'w's 'x's '-'s into 0s and 1s then convert it from binary to octal. This seems really cumbersome and annoying and I gotta figure there is some …

Member Avatar for BLUEC0RE
Member Avatar for Gribouillis

This snippet defines a function [b]chmod[/b] which uses symbolic strings to represent the mode (eg [b]u+rwx[/b]) like the shell command 'chmod'.


The End.