23 Topics

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## Introduction ## When working with WorkManager, it is important to know how to provide input data to your Workers. In this tutorial, we will learn how to provide basic input data to a Worker as well as when Workers are chained together. ## Goals ## At the end of …

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## Introduction ## Whenever we want to modify numbers from multiple threads running concurrently, such as modifying a counter, one of the best options is to use the AtomicX classes. The most basic numeric atomic classes are AtomicInteger and AtomicLong. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the …

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## Introduction ## With coroutines in Kotlin, we are able to execute suspending functions without blocking the current thread. By default, most coroutine builder functions use the `Dispatchers.Default` context, but it is also possible to use other implementations of `CoroutineContext`. In this tutorial, we will learn about the 2 `CoroutineDispatchers`: …

Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## This tutorial introduces the `CyclicBarrier` class and teaches you how to use it. ## Goals ## At the end of this tutorial, you would have learned: 1. How to use `CyclicBarrier` to synchronize tasks across multiple threads. ## Prerequisite Knowledge ## 1. Intermediate Java. 2. Basic knowledge …

Member Avatar for pwolf

I was following along to the following tutorial - [Derek Banas Java tutorial 18 - Threads pt2](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2Xd5avyk_0) and as I decided to go over his tutorial series by following along in notepad++ and compiling with the command line, so that I can experiment and test things I'm unsure about, I …

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Member Avatar for dhatsah

Quick question, the answer is eluding me on the internet. Which is unusual. When we reference and call a sub/function from a class is it automatically started on a new thread or will it join the main thread? Cheers in advance.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for manaila

Hi, I have learned that servlet containers like tomcat handle concurrency in web application. I just want to get a clear comfirmation whether I dont have to multithread my business logic classes/methods(e.g database connections) when I am developing servlet applications. Cheers!

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

I have a program with DataGridView which is bound to MS Access table. When I addept to update I get "Syntax error in INSERT INTO", but no explanation about the syntax error. Column names in the table have a space in them, such as "Last Name". Could that be the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for crownedzero

I see this example frequently and thought I'd give it a shot but I've got something unexpected happening with my Queue. I have multiple threads utilizing my producer class but the output doesn't show that it is being written to by each thread. protected Queue<ProductMessage> prodQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); @Override …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for //Gonz

Hello all I am writing a solicitor allocation application that will be used by multiple users at one time. Because of this, the database needs to be updated with every change. This is my code when a solicitor is chosen for allocation: private void FindSolicitor(int type, bool stype) { table …

Member Avatar for //Gonz
Member Avatar for rahul.ch

public class Thread7 implements Runnable { public static void main(String r[]) { Thread t = new Thread(new Thread7()); t.start(); public void run() { System.out.println("C"); System.out.println("D"); } System.out.println("A"); try { t.join(); System.out.println("B"); } catch(Exception e){} } } Query1: On compiling this program I get "illegal start of expression" error pointing to …

Member Avatar for delta_frost
Member Avatar for Commando123

Hey Guys i am doing a small project and i am using vb.net with MS access database. i am facing a Concurrency issue sometimes when i try to save data in the datagried view. i have added the datagried view by draging and drop the table from the data source. …

Member Avatar for Commando123
Member Avatar for Commando123

Hey Guys i am doing a small project and i am using vb.net with MS access database. i am facing a Concurrency issue sometimes when i try to save data in the datagried view. i have added the datagried view by draging and drop the table from the data source. …

Member Avatar for itengineer7

hi, how can i pervent from crontab concurrent run ??? thats mean when my crontab Take too long , with this crontab another crontab not runs... please help me ... best regards, amir

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for bangor_boy

My understanding of this subject is - Two or more processes accessing a semaphore concurrently can cause Deadlock The provelms with semaphores is that you can forget to call the release method and it can cause deadlock Starvation Both processes can change the P and V counters of the semaphore …

Member Avatar for Old Doctor Ed
Member Avatar for stevija

Hello, I've got a problem with simultaneous placement of an order in a webshop. I will start off with a general description of the problem, and provide details after that. **The problem** Orders are stored in the table 'orders'. Each order has a BillNumber, which is obtained via a mysql …

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Member Avatar for Enzo85

Hello everyone I am new to this site. I have a university assignment in which I need to program a 2 player pacman game, using C and the Unix operating system. If more than 2 users have typed the command to run the program/s the users must wait in FIFO …

Member Avatar for lbmanikandan

Hi, I am using asp.net with SQL2008 facing a concurrent user issue, if 2 users launches the application and clicks save then it is allowing to save the record twice. I need to avoid saving duplicate record. How can i acheive this? 1 thing i thought of taking Modifiedat value …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for tooqt4u_777

Hi guys, My group is having a software development project for our academics at a university. The software we want to develop is an inventory system which will be installed in a Local Area Network. We have decided to use Visual Studio C# (2005 or higher) as the front-end while …

Member Avatar for dValue
Member Avatar for mikesowerbutts

Hi, I have some code which creates a PDF based on the data posted to the entry point page (print.aspx). When I run a page with multiple frames in, each accessing the main print.aspx and posting data etc. but for some reason each frame loads one at a time, rather …

Member Avatar for ktsangop

Hello everyone! I am using python 2.6 on cygwin environment and wondering how could i prevent two python processes from writing to a file at the same time. The file that is shared between the python processes is an ini file and is accessed through ConfigObj module. The first python …

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Member Avatar for Jay.Perez

Hi All, My knowledge of databases and Access is almost zero but none the less I have to try and solve a problem with a small home-grown Access database and hoping someone can help. I've done many searches and can't locate what I thought would be an easy answer. There …

Member Avatar for icemokka

Hi, We are planning to upgrade an existing VB6 application to C# ( VS2008 ). ADO.Net follows more a disconnected strategy when accessing Data. I'm thinking about giving the Entity Framework a shot since using an ORM-tool is higly recommended if you want to speed up the development. And EF …

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The End.