50 Topics

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Member Avatar for tanatos.daniel

I want to determine if the mouse cursor is above a Windows Form and if so, change its color, but I'm kind of new to this and C# also. I was thinking of something like this: public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); if (Control.MousePosition.Y >= 0 && Control.MousePosition.Y <= 499 && Control.MousePosition.X …

Member Avatar for bir_924
Member Avatar for kamilacbe

Hi I have a procuder which return a recordset using cursor in output what am trying to do is i use cursor to get the data and same have to return it to output cursor .I can do like below PROCEDURE test(value_one IN someTabel.somecolumn%TYPE, valu_two IN someTabel.somecolumn%TYPE, Outputcursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) …

Member Avatar for JohnMcPherson

Hello, I am having a problem with a C cursor screen that I am developing. The screen compiles without a problem, but when I try to run the screen, it does not come up, and no error message is shown on the screen. Also, there is no file created with …

Member Avatar for CJMW

So I'm making a map editor with C# and XNA. I have currently got it setup so there is a windows for with a picture box, which the game is being displayed through. The problem is this, I want (0,0) to be the upper left corner of the picture box, …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for nevek

Hi I have a stored procedure with a cursor which check if a field is filled in after a certain deadline. DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `controleDeadlines`() BEGIN #declaratie variabelen die nodig zijn declare cId int; declare cDeadline text; declare cUitgevoerd date; declare cOpmerking text; declare cStatus text; declare DONE …

Member Avatar for nevek
Member Avatar for Gribouillis

This snippet defines a function [icode]mousepos()[/icode] which gets the mouse position on the screen. The package python-xlib is required.

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for ClaudeRhay

Say I have this definition: #define SIZE 2000 typedef enum { TRUE, FALSE }Boolean; typedef struct{ char jobTitle[30]; char jobDesc[255]; char jobLoc[255]; float salaryMin; float salaryMax; Boolean isAvailable; }jobInfo; typedef struct cursorNode{ jobInfo jobRec; int next; }HeapSpace[SIZE]; typedef struct hnode{ HeapSpace heap; int Avail; }*VHeap; typedef int List; typedef struct{ …

Member Avatar for lonrat

Does anyone know of an easy way to have an image switch to another image when the cursor hovers over a completely separate image? [Here](http://lonnyfoster.com/temp/daniweb/replace_image.png) is a diagram that hopefully illustrates more clearly what I'm trying to say.

Member Avatar for Reshma_1
Member Avatar for sing1006

#include <time.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define ROW 9 #define COL 9 int printboard(int grid[ROW][COL]){ int x,y,n,chk; srand(time(NULL)); for(x=0;x<ROW;x++){ for(y=0;y<COL;y++){ do{ n=rand()%7+2; grid[x][y]=n; if (((grid[x][y]==grid[x-1][y]) && (grid[x][y]==grid[x-2][y])) || ((grid[x][y]==grid[x][y-1]) && (grid[x][y]==grid[x][y-2]))){ chk=1; continue; }else{ chk=0; printf("%d ", n); } }while(chk==1); } printf("\n\n"); } } …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for 26bm

Hi, I am tring to make a custom cursor in pygame and I would like to use a XBM file to do so. I am wondering if somebody could please give me an example on how to create a XBM cursor, how to load it into pygame, and how to …

Member Avatar for NidhiSree

I have created a custom combo box(Text box, button and List View). While typing in the text box, cursor disappears. How can I disable "Hiding cursor while typing" in my application. I goggled and found that it is the system behavior called SPI_SETMOUSEVANISH. It can be turned off but it …

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Member Avatar for mystra

Hi guys, I need some help with a particular part of a C++ DirectX game. My course has tasked me with creating a game similar in look and function to the old missile command arcade game (something like [this](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-cD0XdyQ7s)), however I have hit a bit of a wall in terms …

Member Avatar for Chase.Dangerfield
Member Avatar for pratham3090
Member Avatar for Tara.Pridy

I cannot click on most links the regular way since my kids played games on my computer. I can right click and hit open. When I click on most links, nothing but a muted beep sound happens. I went to TOOL: Internet Options: Advanced: Restore Advanced Settings, didn't work. Windows …

Member Avatar for extr3mex
Member Avatar for seanmc23

Hello, All ... I have an HTML file which contains pages of formated text, all within a <p> tag, which has an onclick call to a jscript function. This function gets mouse cursor position at the click event, then passes this position to elementFromPoint(pos.x,pos.y) to return my element object, which …

Member Avatar for Seyferx
Member Avatar for DrChocolate

Dear Everyone, I have a functional instant search (in draft at [Click Here](http://www.woofwoofwoof.org/is08/search.htm)). I want the search to function very similarly to Google. This will help sighted people figure it out, and bring me much more in compliance with accessibility standards. Unfortunately, I'm missing two "Google-oid" features: . 1) **How …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for SH3H@N

Hello everyone. I am making a game trainer in vb.net. and want to know how to write a "TEXT" wherever your cursor is. I have already found shortkey mechanism but still looking for this one. Example: I am playing game. I pressed Shift+f3 and no matter which windows is focused …

Member Avatar for SH3H@N
Member Avatar for network18

Hi, Needs to construct the tables with the meta info retrived by another stored procedure I wrote, given the table id or name. There could be some flaws in the logic, not sure. The flow is - - iterate through one table which stores tbl name, id info - pass …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for TF401

How is this 'text-cursor' called or what is its name ? : [Click Here](http://i41.tinypic.com/5cxavp.png) Everytime when you click in a text box or somewhere when you can type, you get this 'flashing bar' in the very left corner of the line. How is this called ? Also can you have …

Member Avatar for scudzilla
Member Avatar for best4050

I am using getRow() method of ResultSet class like: int rowCount = result.getRow(); but when i run the application, it gives me the exception that says: *The 'getRow()' method is only allowed on scroll cursors.* Please, anyone, who knows why it happened, explain it with some possible solutions Thanks!

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for inxs93

Hello. I received great help from this community a while back with a problem, and now I'm desperately in need of help again. I've done several google searches, and I've found my problem listed, but none of the solutions have worked. I hope this in the right forum, as I'm …

Member Avatar for inxs93
Member Avatar for FALL3N

hey... I wat to change the... well, the cursor (the little blinking thing in a text area where subsequent typing appears) in a JTextArea. [U]Not[/U] the pointer (the mouse icon showing where on the screen the mouse is cuz some ppl thought that was wat I meant) but the cursor …

Member Avatar for FALL3N
Member Avatar for jkembo

I would like to move the mouse cursor from one position to another within a Jtextfield after a condition is satisfied. I do not know what to use. Thank you

Member Avatar for jkembo
Member Avatar for s0bigg

I am designing a search engine and I want to design it in a way that when user comes to the website the cursor should be already on the search bar. Right now the user needs to hit a tab or manually initiate cursor into the search bar. Any ideas …

Member Avatar for s0bigg
Member Avatar for Start4me

Color custom cursor appears to be black when I run the program. The color custom cursor is imported from desktop by using Resources in vb.net. When I run the program the cursor turns out to be black. HOW DO I FIX IT? [CODE]Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream(My.Resources.Cursor1) Button1.Cursor = New …

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for Start4me

Hello everyone! I need to make a simple yet cool program for my professor. The program is this: To get the program to work, the user first presses a button on the form. Then, when the user presses an up arrow on the keyboard, the cursor will change to a …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ljvasil

Hi all, I wrote this somewhat simple script that is suppose to change and update polygon GRIDCODES based some rules. The shapefile is reclassified into likelihood of conversion. So the code is set up to get the GRIDCODE value of all adjacent polygons to the cursor polygon. I put these …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for tawboiid

I hope this hasn't been discussed before. I searched but couldn't find a thread for this. I have an input (type="text") with some default text telling the user to enter something in the box. The input tag includes an onmousedown event which runs javascript function to clear the default text …

Member Avatar for tawboiid
Member Avatar for Graphix

Hi, In the past few months I've been learning how to make applications for android by making small games just for the fun of it. I am stuck at the moment at the database object I created to manage the database, specifically the cursor: it won't close. A snippet of …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for MoZo1

It's a common problem, there are a lot of google hits, but I could found no working solution. When I leave my computer on and don't use it, and I come back, first only the cursor works, and if I right click, that freezes too. After 1-5 min it recovers …

Member Avatar for MoZo1

The End.