19 Topics

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Hello, Im trying to install pymongo package to be able to connect to MongoDB using pip pip install pymongo but it produce the below error Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pymongo (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for pymongo

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Mar. Na.

Hi all; How can i ordering files in the package ,,,,java netbeans ordering files by name ,,, i want to move up or down to exganges positions of files in package.... i press click on it and move up or down but isn't work....!!! example: package filename: A.java B.java C.java …

Member Avatar for Mar. Na.
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I just installed linux fedora 16. When i want to view my software packages in the "Add/Remove software" it doesnt show any packages. it give the following error when i click on the "Package Collection" tab: The group list was invalid The group list could not be loaded Refreshing your …

Member Avatar for Yurok
Member Avatar for vani krishnan

We use to import packages in java like import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; import javax.swing.*; But, why is it javax for swing?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for coolerking

im trying to make my own Serialization library but I have some problems with the following. I have a package wich I serialize to a t_stream and then I need to serialize the t_stream to a char * again. This is the complete code: typedef struct{ int16_t port; int16_t priority; …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for edensigauke

I have been working with Java a longtime, but my main problem is this. Everytime i try to set my classpath, set my path variables, all works well, until i think of adding a new package from elsewhere. Disaster breaksout, such that i have to recode the entire package for …

Member Avatar for edensigauke
Member Avatar for nHulk

I am trying to import all the classes present in a user defined package, by using the statement as import mypack.*; but it's not working in my program. [B][B]Its Giving error : C:\Users\Nitin\java>javac AOTest.java AOTest.java:6: cannot access AOperation bad class file: .\AOperation.java file does not contain class AOperation Please remove …

Member Avatar for nHulk
Member Avatar for rayden150

Hello, im sort of an intermediate programmer that has never installed a library on java before could anyone please tell me how to install this library on java so I could use the charts functionality, Please there are all sorts of folders in there I really dont know what to …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Genericusername

Hello, I have written some code that spans 5 different files, which are all in a folder called Employee. The code runs fine without a package, but i have an assignment to package them. When i try to compile the object method which contains all the get and set methods, …

Member Avatar for Genericusername
Member Avatar for salty11

You are the manager of a travel agency with 20 employees. You have announced a promotional campaign for your agents to sell vacation packages. Each day you will enter the ID number of the agent (#1-#20), the number of packages sold, and the dollar value of the package. Entries will …

Member Avatar for salty11
Member Avatar for warlord902

I configured a logger namely "My Log" in my main class which can write errors in a log file named mylog.txt Now I want to use this same file for all packages and classes there in. I tried to put this in other class Logger.getLogger("My Log") //Did nothing Now what …

Member Avatar for sbglobal

hi I am using auto complete extender and it is not working in Web user Control . But Working in Web form Please give its solution ASAP. Cs Code [code] [System.Web.Services.WebMethod] public static string[] GetSuggestions(string prefixText, int count) { MyDatabaseDataContext db = new MyDatabaseDataContext(); return db.Movies .Where( m => m.Title.StartsWith(prefixText) …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for nammy

Hello, I want to create a metapackage using the packagemaker command on my bash shell. The contents of the metapackage would be - Resources - package - some descriptors each to be installed at different locations. Could someone please help me out?

Member Avatar for tonyfingures

Hi! I am trying to create a program that can calculate the cost of a internet package once selected and also give a discount. So far, my code only works with doesn't exactly gove me the correct results. Below is my code. Please assist me in identifying the problem. An …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for daudiam

From my home directory, I created a directory [B]pkg[/B] and wrote 2 files [B]A.java[/B] and [B]B.java[/B] in it. [B]A.java[/B] [CODE]package pkg; class A { B b; }[/CODE] [B]B.java[/B] [CODE]package pkg; class B { }[/CODE] I went back to my home directory and typed the following : [CODE]javac -classpath . /pkg/A.java[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for PythonNewbie2

Let's say I have my own installer for a product that uses a lot of other components. One piece of my product is a python script. However, most of my end-users don't have python installed already. Is there any way I can include the python installer as part of my …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for nikelin

Simple package loader to load all packages contents from directory-based or from JAR-compressed class path entry.

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for emilo35

So, a while ago I wrote a SerializableImage class in order to easily bundle several images together into a single file. The class worked fine, both serializing, file I/O and drawing. In another project I'm working on I successfully used a copy of this SerializableImage class, until recently. I had …

Member Avatar for emilo35
Member Avatar for khess

A little while ago, a friend of mine tapped me on the shoulder--virtually speaking--and asked me why there isn't an easier way to install software on a Linux computer. He asked innocently enough why we can't have a Universal Package Manager (UPM) to handle the software regardless of distribution. Ha! …

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The End.