20 Topics

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Member Avatar for masterofpuppets

[CODE]from Tkinter import * root = Tk() tipwindow = None # Creates a tooptip box for a widget. def createToolTip( widget, text ): def enter( event ): global tipwindow x = y = 0 if tipwindow or not text: return x, y, cx, cy = widget.bbox( "insert" ) x += …

Member Avatar for richard.grigonis
Member Avatar for Patrick_3

Hello everyone, I am attempting to make a custom control similar to a tooltip however I am not sure exactly how to produce the effect I desire. My goal is to have a popup, which is shown when the mouse hovers over a control, that contains some message and is …

Member Avatar for docfnt
Member Avatar for wiLLie222

Good morning. I've stumbled upon a little problem, if you could help me it'd be great. I've searched for Tooltips that support HTML content but most that I've found only support text passed by the html title attribute. The only one I've found that supports HTML code inside the tooltip …

Member Avatar for wiLLie222
Member Avatar for Sahil89

Hi, Is there a way to style tooltips that appear by using title attribute? So far I have been able to find out that its div but cant find out if its associated with any class. And on other site answer I got was No and work around it using …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for code_rum

Hi, I am working on a tooltip which shows the content in tooltip if present. But the code I am using shows the empty tooltip even the content returned is empty. I don't want to show tooltip or qtip when the content is empty.. :( Here's my code HTML echo …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for Julia25

Im currently customizing a softwared driven site which has a lot of limitation, i can add new properties on existing css class and thats it. I was ask to add a tooltip to a certain class but no success. is it still possible to add a tooltip in "buy" button …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for hlamster

I have a form with a dropdown list that when they click on it or when they mouseover it (either would be ok) it should show a popup tooltip. My javascript skills are at best very very basic. This is a wordpress site and I am reluctant to add jquery …

Member Avatar for brandonrunyon
Member Avatar for Shreya J

Hi , In my application I have to implement Tooltip for Link Button. When mouse hover on link button , I should get a Tooltip. It can be a Telerik ToolTip as well. Please help me with this concept. I need step by step process for implementing this. Regards.

Member Avatar for Shreya J
Member Avatar for asuprem

I'm wondering, is there any way to create a tooltip so that the hovering information always appears in a specific region for all links. I have a vertical navigation menu and I want link information to appear beneath the entire menu.

Member Avatar for Malaoshi

Hi, I am currently working on a websiteproject for learning chinese. To help the readers to understand the texts better, I want to annotate the Chinese Characters with popup translations from the HanDeDict (German-Chinese Dictionary). I already downloaded the dictionary but the file seems to be too big to work …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for bradyramone

I want to use jQuery tooltip in a table which is created with php doing a while loop. I want that when i hover over a row, the tooltip fills up with data according to that row. I found something similar using asp.net, but i dont know how to implement …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dschuett

I have implemented a tooltip on my navigational links (after clicking on the 2006 Volvo 780). Found here: http://www.lonemountaintruck.com/partners/index2.php I am pulling the "detailed" view of the truck into the div from a php file(loadtrucks.php). The "Next Rig" link is the link that is causing the tooltip to stay open …

Member Avatar for dschuett
Member Avatar for samp4ever

I need to add a text line in a specified point of a windows form. In this form I draw something and I would like to describe the draw exactly where it is pointed. Is there a way to add a tooltip in a specified point of a Form? For …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for P.manidas

Dear Sir/Madam I am getting the list item of a listbox as ToolTipTest on mouse move event. How can I get the list item of a listbox as ToolTipTest by pressing Up or Down Arrow Key on KeyBoard. Please guide me. How i have got the list item as ToolTipText …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for minimogul

found this code on this website cant find the url but if I find it i will post it The code is basically the same as the following.I want to be able to place links inside the tool tip I was wondering if there was a way i could do …

Member Avatar for Arkinder
Member Avatar for MovingGifts

Hey everyone, I am trying to accomplish something with images growing on hover like the fancy grow mouseover effect on google images. Here is what I have: [URL="http://www.1stbusinessneeds.com/tooltip/tooltip.html"]http://www.1stbusinessneeds.com/tooltip/tooltip.html[/URL] The tooltip is offset and is based on the walter zorn tooltip. What's the best way to have the mouseover popup grow …

Member Avatar for amazed

Hi I am using this script. [url]http://digitalhymn.com/argilla/tipmage/[/url] **It is not possible to apply Tipmage to more than one image in a single page** [B]Is this possible to apply this class to more than one image?[/B] Thanks

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for JOSheaIV

okay I have been looking all over the web trying certain pieces of code and I have had no luck. I am tired and I really am at a lost right now. I am trying to make it so that when the user mouses over a select set of cells …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for Poab9200

Hello all I've got a question. I have a datagridview control with autocomplete features with it. And was wondering if it would be possible to add 'Tooltips' to the suggested entry. What I'm trying to accomplish is what Visual Studio has done with their intellisense/auto complete feature. For example when …

Member Avatar for bbman
Member Avatar for Spikae

am using an example of tooltips from [url]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex5/stickytooltip.htm[/url] on [url]www.euroworker.no/order[/url] I have this code here to work with, but it just doesn't seem to work correctly, I've tried everything I can think of. It's not a problem with the Smarty or html, css as far as I Can see, when …

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The End.