44 Topics

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Continuing our round up of 2013 IT security vendor predictions, we've got the thoughts of three of the big Infosecurity Europe exhibitors: Palo Alto Networks, SafeNet and Kaspersky Lab. ![dweb-infoseceurope](/attachments/small/0/dweb-infoseceurope.jpg "align-right") Brian Tokuyoshi from Palo Alto Networks predicts that social media, data decryption and virtualised network security will be high …

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The question of what actually triggers a 7-result SERP is definitely complicated, especially as Google expands into Knowledge Graph and advanced forms of entity association. There's definitely no simple on-page SEO trick to get the 7-result SERP

Member Avatar for SJaved7
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Continuing with our round up of the IT security vendor view of the year to come, here's how PandaLabs, the malware research laboratory arm of [Panda Security](http://www.pandasecurity.com/), sees 2013 stacking up in terms of threats and exploits. ![panda](/attachments/small/0/panda.jpg "align-right") Perhaps unsurprisingly, PandaLabs predicts that 2013 will be much the same …

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Network security vendor [Stonesoft](http://www.stonesoft.com/en/) predicts that the top infosec threats to watch out for in 2013 will include unseen and unknown targeted cyber-attacks, espionage and hacktivism. Jarno Limnell, director of cyber-security at Stonesoft, reckons that in 2013 the security of the digital world will become an even more pressing issue, …

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Hi there, I am studying software engineering on my 3rd year and from time to time I think about the job I am gonna do during rest of my life.As a result I look at the trends of todays IT and application development world. There is a significant shift from …

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As the Marketing trends and tactics are changed with the passage of time and the Main Medium of communication with groups and individual has become Mobile Phone and people care about its updates like text messages so the Advertising Agency discovered Mobile Marketing as the most instant and simplest way …

Member Avatar for vanilla23
Member Avatar for happygeek

Who wants some forged educational documents that will help you get a job in some foreign country? The answer, it would seem, is lots and lots of people. At least that would explain why spam advertising fake diplomas has topped the list of junk mail subject matter for China, South …

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Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

I read this very interesting blog about how Social Media Comprises 20% of All US Display Ad Impressions as per Comscore data. [url]http://blog.searchenginewatch.com/090901-125314[/url] So I predict this will increase in due time.

Member Avatar for misodiet
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Ok I have been looking for this for a while it is the ultimate list of repositories for the Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake distro. It will give you so many program choices you wont know what to do. simply goto your terminal and type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (I chose gedit …

Member Avatar for ingalex
Member Avatar for happygeek

Usually quarterly spam trend reports from security vendors are, how can I put this nicely, actually I can't so I will just have to say it as it is: bloody boring and mostly pointless. However, the latest such report to fins its way into my mailbox from [URL="http://www.sophos.com/blogs/gc/"]Sophos[/URL] caught my …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The Google Press office today brought to my attention an unusual and totally unexpected bit of Google trivia: the modelling of real-world phenomena using patterns in search to [URL="http://www.google.org/flutrends"]map the spread of influenza[/URL] across the US. Google is proving to be far more than just a search engine these days. …

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The [URL="http://www.messagelabs.com/intelligence.aspx"]MessageLabs Intelligence Report[/URL] for May 2008 has revealed that spam levels have risen across all industry sectors, but manufacturing remains the leading vertical as far as spam activity is concerned at 83.7 percent. The biggest rise, however, can be found in the non-profit sector with spam levels up by …

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That is what we could be asking by 2012, and be answered with a resounding cry of to the job centre looking for new employment if Fujitsu Siemens Computers is correct with its prediction. FSC today suggested that within just four years unmanned data centres will not only be fully …

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Matthew Finnie is Chief Technology Officer at [URL="http://www.interoute.com/"]Interoute[/URL], the company which owns and operates the most densely connected voice and data network in Europe with more than 54,000 kilometres of lit fibre. So when he voices his concern that the Internet is facing some kind of meltdown, caused by the …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The University of Miami in the US has got together with the University of Dundee in Scotland to work with IBM on a project to develop open source software designed specifically to address the needs of older people, and help them to adapt to and remain productive in the 21st …

Member Avatar for happygeek

In the UK last year there were a staggering 3,237,500 cybercrimes committed according to a new [URL="https://www.garlik.com/index1.php?page=cybercrime"]report[/URL] from online identity specialists [URL="http://www.garlik.com"]Garlik[/URL] in collaboration with leading criminologists. Do the math and that works out to one cybercrime committed every ten seconds in the UK alone. Of these, some 60 percent …

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It was only a matter of time, but the long arm of the British law has finally reached out to embrace the BlackBerry. 500 front line police officers in Bedfordshire, England have already been issued with BlackBerry devices to enable them to spend more time tackling crime and less time …

Member Avatar for kc0arf

For those who may not have heard, former network leader Novell (who owns SuSE Linux) made a deal with Microsoft exchanging some intellectual property rights. Those in the business-end of IT know that Microsoft is busy applying for thousands of patents concerning Intellectual Property -- have a look at Network …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

The 2006 Virus Bulletin Conference is currently taking place in Montreal, and some interesting trends are emerging from the various security vendors speaking at the event. Trends such as the way that the widely distributed attack using worms, viruses and Trojans are increasingly becoming a decreasing concern. At least once …

Member Avatar for Mahen

What Caused Microsoft to Create DirectX10? It all started with the Windows Error Reporting Tool. Microsoft was collecting hundreds of Bugs per day only for its Operating System. Microsft Found out that 70% of all errors and bad user Experience in Windows XP comes from Graphic Display drivers. First, Microsft …

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Intel officially announced the introduction of 10 Core 2 Duo and Core Extreme microprocessors for desktops, workstations and notebooks. Intel said it has over 550 customer system designs underway, with the CPUs built on 65 nanometre technology. Machines using the desktop chips will be available in early August, while notebooks …

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After months of possible merger information it finally happens and I am surprised at the amount of money that AMD had to spend on this. This is a huge step for both companies. Currently Intel is the lead manufacturer of microprocessors, semiconductors, and graphics chips with AMD being the second …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The world of malware could be turned upon its head if the Blue Pill virtualization based rootkit due to be demonstrated at the [URL="http://syscan.org"]SyScan 06[/URL] Conference, Singapore, in a couple of weeks proves as undetectable as the security researcher who has created it claims. [URL="http://invisiblethings.org/"]Joanna Rutkowska[/URL] is a stealth malware …

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I was recently working on a personal project to setup a PVR system for my living room. The first part of this project was relatively easy; I just bought another dell computer. The next step was a little bit complicated, see, personally I would typically like to use an OS …

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At [URL="http://www.supercomp.de/"]ISC2006[/URL], the 21st International Supercomputer Conference, in Dresden, Germany today an interesting announcement was made by [URL="http://www.tyan.com"]Tyan Computer[/URL]: the launch of the Personal Supercomputer. Not quite a desktop machine, it is being marketed as a deskside unit, the [URL="http://www.tyan.com/products/html/clusterservers.html"]Typhoon PSC[/URL] certainly promises to pack quite a punch. The 8 …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

According to just released research from Michigan based [URL="http://www.onlymyemail.com"]OnlyMyEmail [/URL]Inc it would appear that Sender ID is ineffective as an anti-spam solution. Despite the high profile, and frankly somewhat aggressive PR campaign by [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/safety/technologies/senderid/default.mspx"]Microsoft[/URL], the 60 day statistical analysis certainly suggests that it isn’t the Holy Grail of anti-spam that …

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The reports that are popping up all over the web that [URL="http://www.ibm.com"]IBM[/URL], along with [URL="http://www.gatech.edu"]Georgia Tech[/URL], has [URL="http://www.gatech.edu/news-room/release.php?id=1019"]demonstrated [/URL]the world’s fastest ever chip are, sadly, not quite as exciting as you might at first think. Not least because this wasn’t a chip at all, but rather a transistor, and even …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

The triple-gate transistor is not new, almost exactly three years ago on June 12th 2003 at the [URL="http://www.intel.com/pressroom/archive/releases/20030612tech.htm"]Symposia of VLSI Technology and Circuits in Kyoto[/URL], Japan, [URL="http://www.intel.com"]Intel [/URL]was heralding it as the future of chip design. However, the fact that at the same [URL="http://www.vlsisymposium.org/index.html"]Symposium this week in Hawaii[/URL], Intel reveals …

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Multiple core processors are set to dominate the marketplace by the end of 2007, after [URL="http://www.amd.com"]AMD [/URL]follows [URL="http://www.intel.com"]Intel [/URL]down the ‘more performance for less power’ road. Having already beaten Intel to the dual-core processor punch, the announcement from AMD that it will ship four-core processors for high end desktops, servers …

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In 2002, IBM scientists managed to produce a magnetic data tape capable of a storage density of 1 billion bits per square inch. This week the [URL="http://www.almaden.ibm.com"]IBM Almaden Research Center [/URL]boffins have done it again, in conjunction with Fuji, to the tune of 6.67 billion bits per square inch. That …


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