11 Topics

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Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello! How can ask my scipt to print **every word** in a url page that starts with the letter "A" in this case? This is my code: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import urllib2 url = 'http://www.thefamouspeople.com/singers.php' html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() soup = BeautifulSoup(html) for word in soup.text: if soup.text.startswith('A'): print soup.text …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for ben.juarez.773

Hello, I'm working on a small project to acquire information from regulations.gov using their API. It's fairly simple (codewise) what I'm trying to do. However, I get stuck with a "HTTP error 403: Forbidden". It means I'm connecting, but something seems to be the matter. I've been in contact with …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for John A.

Hey guys, I'm trying to get all links on a website using BeautifulSoup, Queue, Threading, and urllib2. I am specifically looking for links that lead to other pages of the same site. It runs for a few seconds, going through about 3 URLs before giving me the error: Traceback (most …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for inuasha

alright so my exact problem is that when I attempt to visit a url stored in a text file I get the error "URLError: <urlopen error no host given>" This is strange because if I type in the urls myself they work fine(opener.open("site.com")) The lines of code causing the error …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for hokeysmoke

I have a question...I'm trying to get text out of a website containing Spanish characters (like ñ or á) using urllib2 (and with #-*- coding: latin-1 -*- near the beginning of the Python file). However, when I write the output of the text to a file, I get something else--for …

Member Avatar for hokeysmoke
Member Avatar for natehome

hi im trying to make a program that will go to 4chan and download a the images on a thread(i.e. [url]http://4chan.org/b[/url]). the program will work the first time but after that when i go to run it again it trys to download the same urls as it did the first …

Member Avatar for theharshest

I am trying to submit the form at [B][url]http://www.harshtechtalk.com/contact-us-harsh-tech-talk[/url][/B] using the following code but no success. Please help! [CODE]#!C:/Python27/python.exe import urllib import urllib2 def main(): proxy_info={ 'user' : 'abc@abc.com', 'pass' : 'xyz', 'host' : 'xxxxxxxx', 'port' : 80 } proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http" : "http://%(user)s:%(pass)s@%(host)s:%(port)d" % proxy_info}) opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_support, urllib2.HTTPHandler) …

Member Avatar for andrewtrench

Hi, I as a Python novice I throw myself at the mercy of experts in this forum. Could someone post a simple example of how to implement urllib2's proxy authentication. I've read all the references google returns as well as searched this site and cannot find an example that I …

Member Avatar for andrewtrench
Member Avatar for james27

hello ALL im making some simple python post script but it not working well. there is 2 part to have to login. first login is using 'http://mybuddy.buddybuddy.co.kr/userinfo/UserInfo.asp' this one. and second login is using 'http://user.buddybuddy.co.kr/usercheck/UserCheckPWExec.asp' i can login first login page, but i couldn't login second page website. and return …

Member Avatar for Tech B
Member Avatar for LB22

Hi, I'm stuck with a certain problem. I'm using URLLIB2 to get the end url of a list of links. This was pretty straightforward. Some of the links I'm probing pass through 1 or more other urls before landing the user at the end destination. For example, the start url …

Member Avatar for pythopian
Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey guys, I am making a program called 'Weather Watch' which basically gets weather updates for any city you type in. For now, it only gets info for a particular city. I don't know how to search for the term entered in [url]www.weather.com[/url] and then get the updates. The code …

Member Avatar for EAnder

The End.