I dunno if this test is real,but after 1 year a hamburger IS STILL AS GOOD AS THE DAY THE GUY FORGOT ABOUT IT!


And heres some other tests on Mcds food......


Lardmeister commented: great food find! +2

Woah....I knew this food had something weird in it.

O_o thank God i quited eating junk!

I like McDonald's :)

Great find Dude! Meat from over 1000 cows, that is a giant size hamburger!


I hate clowns, they are really scary!!!


commented: yea! McD.'s clown IS scary :o +4

I am glad I m not a 'junky' ;)


I hate clowns, they are really scary!!!


Ronald McDonald wasn't that bad! He helped a lot of children.

I am glad I m not a 'junky' ;)

I agree with you, I think that sort of junk food causes brain damage.

I am glad I m not a 'junky' ;)

Yeah...that's why everyone in America is getting fat because they are going here and eating this food.It's all right food but it doesn't make me addicted like some people.Does anyone know a food-addicted person?

Does anyone know a food-addicted person?

I know many. Every kid loves junk food these days.

Yeah...that's why everyone in America is getting fat because they are going here and eating this food.It's all right food but it doesn't make me addicted like some people.Does anyone know a food-addicted person?

I would think everyone would qualify as 'food-addicted'; I don't know many people who can go for very long without eating something.

I would think everyone would qualify as 'food-addicted'; I don't know many people who can go for very long without eating something.

Yes, the withdrawal symptoms are rather severe.

This is a bombastic video, I do addmit I love McDonalds burgers. :P

I would think everyone would qualify as 'food-addicted'; I don't know many people who can go for very long without eating something.

Well....food is required in our lives but it doesn't always mean we have to engorge ourselves constantly to survive or sustain oursleves.

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