I am currently perfecting a technology for composting large amount of residential and commercial organic waste and i was just wondering how many of the members here have composting or organic waste recycling programs in their home towns/cities.

I would also like to hear about any opinions/experiences with composting.

hammerhead commented: Good thought +2

Where I live in Bristol, UK, any food we need to throw out is put into a separate bin and then taken to a large (very) compost facility for processing. I think this is great as I try to be as green as possible, I dont own a car for example, I rely on public transport, I do not fly often, do not litter and recycle to the best of my ability! So great work Steven! With respect to the program my city offers, I am very impressed with it as a whole, the only bugbear I have with it is that they do not take cardboard (but they do take paper?!) from our home for recycling - we have to take it to a facility ourselves (which is annoying as I do not use a car!). This is the only thing I think needs improving however so I think its a very good program!

This is some places though. Where i liev we get nothing. We dont even have wheelie bins, only standard metal ones (which we have to buy ourselves) and recycling is very limited

You could print off some threads from the Geeks forum and compost those. It's sure to make great compost ;)

Oh, and I have 3 compost bins, which I named after the Daleks

lol nice one Salem. Davros! JBennet, there is a wide range of local council authority opinions on the subject of recycling etc, I mean in the next town to me they do not provide any recycling services at all.Which is odd.

Any sewer plant is essentially a composting facility.

...heh, I always though of Steve as a bit dense (well not always, but as first). Just goes to show about first impressions.

Judging from the many folks that buy organic food, composting has become rather important.

hey scru, was that suppose to be a jab at me or am i interpreting your statement wrong, If so bite my shinny metal ass. If not, ignore previous statement.

commented: Believe it or not, that was a compliment +3

This is some places though. Where i liev we get nothing. We dont even have wheelie bins, only standard metal ones (which we have to buy ourselves) and recycling is very limited

Man im surprised that anywhere in england would have poor recycling. I dont know why, but i thought they were pretty "green".

we are in someplaces, but were nowhere like as green as central europe. People here just cant be arsed recycling

That is true JBenet, we are a lazy nation!

Worked in Birmingham a few weeks back, installing some stuff in a "recycling plant".
All the garbage got there unsorted, but a few magnets and *a lot* of workers later, the garbage was 'sorted'.

Where I live, we separate paper, glass, metal, green, and rest. ( and within a few months even most plastics)

Thats in the netherlands right? I hear they are doing some good work with recycling.

I am presently working in halifax, nova scotia, canada and they hand out ticket regularly to people who dont recycle. There are seperate bins for compostable (which is all your kitchen organics plus cardboard) , paper and plastics, and regular refuse.
I think there doing a great job here. sometimes enforcement is the oly way to get the point accross.

We have a pretty basic recycling system where I live. We can put newspapers, certain types of plastics, glass, cardboard in a container and they pick it up.

No pickup recycling where I live, but it's somewhat rural. We haul it to a center ourselves. The larger city nearby does have a curbside pickup service. We have a small compost bin the back yard for use in the garden, but I'm not sure about any local large-scale composting programs.

I just came back from donating to my city's composting effort. I feel good about that!

I am currently perfecting a technology for composting large amount of residential and commercial organic waste and i was just wondering how many of the members here have composting or organic waste recycling programs in their home towns/cities.

I would also like to hear about any opinions/experiences with composting.

I am new in composting, i have a problem, it has sour smell, what should i do?

commented: Another thread hijack by another idiot with a spam link +0

Do you turn it? Compost should be a mixture of green, brown, and some dirt - like grass, leaves etc. Turning is usually done with tool designed to go into the pile and expand when you pull it out, bringing stuff up from below. Kitchen scraps are okay but you have to careful not to put meat products into the bin because it attracts rats and other scavengers.

By the way, rather than bring an old thread live - it might be better to start your own thread.

> By the way, rather than bring an old thread live - it might be better to start your own thread.
Not really, if the only intent of that thread is to spam signature links related to the topic...

> I am new in composting, i have a problem, it has sour smell, what should i do?
Well you could go round digging up the stinking corpses of dead threads - I'm sure that'll do something.

"I am new in composting, i have a problem, it has sour smell, what should i do?"

If your storing stuff for a weekly compost pick up try having a small container in the kitchen that you take out daily to a larger bin in the garage/basement. If that is not an option putting it in a water proof bag and freezing it will also keep down the smell.

If its a compost heap in the back yard, turning it is important to keep it aerated which will cut down the smell (the smell is produced by bacteria that don't have access to oxygen). Adding worms can also help.

> By the way, rather than bring an old thread live - it might be better to start your own thread.
Not really, if the only intent of that thread is to spam signature links related to the topic...

Odd - when I saw it there were no .sig links so I took it at face value.

Probably added after the post.

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