What are the methods and tools do hackers use now to deploy a system??

Infact script kiddies use, keylogger, Sub 7 .

other attacks are DDOS attacks, apart from these what are they if any.

google it. though this is not the place for expoitation tactics unless youre looking for a soloution to a beating youve taken.

hack crack ware phreak exploit.

new software is made, it is then broken, then fixed.. Tis the way. pick somthing and then look it up.

If you leave it hangin out (vulnerability) and someone smaks it (exploit) and then
you put it away (increase security) and the smaking stops (success) you've made it another day.

what you are describing are cracker tools, not hacker tools.
Despite the media mislabelling crackers as hackers there's a huge difference.

Most crackers couldn't hack if their lives depended on it.

A hacker is a creative person, often with a rather geeky dry sense of humour. A cracker is purely destructive.

yeah i read ya.. but after the labels from the DMCA, Patriot Act anti-terrorism legislation
and the endless alienation of those slightly smarter than the average bear. My apologies
for the ever-so-popular misnomer. Although I'm pretty certain that this was what was
sought. just the wrong half of the same coin..

crackers don't deploy anything. They just break into already deployed systems and destroy them (or corrupt them to such an extent that the original owner doesn't know he's no longer in control yet has given over complete ownership to the cracker).

Most are script kiddies who use tools that were created by a few others with little or no understanding of what those tools actually do. All they see is a list of machines they've compromised which they can then click on to do something to those machines (typically for script kiddies that's just mischief, but the more adventurous will turn them into zombies for DDOS attacks and/or spam and virus email distribution which they'll then sell to spammers and virus creators, again using tools written by others which they won't know the working of, only the result).

There are relatively few crackers with the knowledge to create the tools that the majority use, and even less of them who build such tools for the use of anyone but themselves.

That's as far as my knowledge of the underground goes, I try to keep far away from them.

as long as folks are skeered of script kiddies and wannabes.. a few headlines keep the paranoid upping my paycheck. its like I get the bennies because somone can sleep at night even though theyre afraid of a few folks as sharp as a bowling ball.

everyones loss is my gain. value added through quality pain.

Most mail servers have some pretty blatant vulnerabilities. I've used a few to get into servers before (legally, I was fussing with my friend's server.)

i used to use DOS... but that was years ago. now i mainly use homemade programs that friends get me, rarely anything else.

i used to use DOS... but that was years ago. now i mainly use homemade programs that friends get me, rarely anything else.

So, you're what they "in the business" would call a l4m3r?

That's cheap. Why would you want to do some lame garbage like that? Wait right there... I'll call the FBI for you.

hehe, i dont hack, if anything, i hack up some games to try to make mods for them. friends send me what they made and i see if it could help me. lmao, im a h4xx0r....

hehe, i dont hack, if anything, i hack up some games to try to make mods for them. friends send me what they made and i see if it could help me. lmao, im a h4xx0r....

OK... now that's "hacking"-- trying to make mods for games, etc. That's really what hacking is actually all about, not "I'm kewls mang, so I'll sploit a box, dood!" ;)

Okay, you're not a l4m3r. My apologies! :D

Who do crackers work for ???? Microsoft. HP, Intel, etc. who else the Police or Government agencies, I think you should read about Patriot Act 11. Do you want a police state because you are getting one.

Arrogance is the best scenario for the cracker. Believe they cant get in, somebody will eventually pay the price, and it may be you.


lol back in the day i thought i could be a hacker.....that was b4 i realized i was retarded, well retarded for thinking that.

hehe, i dont hack, if anything, i hack up some games to try to make mods for them. friends send me what they made and i see if it could help me. lmao, im a h4xx0r....

you're not. Only crackers call themselves h4xx0r, true hackers have a massive disdain for that entire way of spelling which originated with script kiddies...

Who do crackers work for ???? Microsoft. HP, Intel, etc. who else the Police or Government agencies, I think you should read about Patriot Act 11. Do you want a police state because you are getting one.

Most don't work for anyone (legally that is, quite a few work for organised crime). A few may be employed by large corporations to test that organisation's systems for vulnerabilities.

A few may be employed by large corporations to test that organisation's systems for vulnerabilities.

And hope the vulnerabilities are fixed fast...

that is usually the idea ;) Though given the often glacial speed at which investment proposals are handled in large companies it's not always the practice.

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