today we are eating and drinking happly. becos we luck for that.
but did you know how many ppl died becos of lack of food ?

see these pictures .

I get shocked after seen these things. and after today I will surely
change my food habbits. Think how many food that I wasted ?
anyway ask this question from yourself. I will going to save them
in the form of money and see the max what I can do ...

Think how much money that I can save if I change my bad food
habit ? I think that I can personally save much if I think .

Think a little about it. Don't waste the food.

and the other hand , the agriculture technology is not developed yet as other fields of the technology. why ? the reason is that
the countries like USA , China ( big bros ) are spending their
money on war technologies ( to kill ppl , true killers !) anyhow
they even don't think about using the technology for a good thing.
make the world a better place. ( please note : when I refer to the
food technology I refer only vegetarian food technologies, I hate
meet personally and I will never write code for a such thing ).

Think about this ? why we waste food ? why we waste our money
on the war technologies , to be 1'st in war against another country
? We can and have the ability to help them in this life . But may be
not in other life. time is going faster and sweet , so be fast to
think about this.

>>ask this question from yourself. I will going to save them
in the form of money and see the max what I can do ...

I saw those pictures 40+ years ago. There is really not a thing we can do to help them because the dictators in Africa don't want us to help them. Every time we (USA) send food over there the dictators steal most of it.

>>Think how much money that I can save if I change my bad food
habit ?
Don't bother because it won't help them. If you want to save money, that's find, but do it for the right reason.

There is really not a thing we can do to help them because the dictators in Africa don't want us to help them

May be the political background in the Africa doesn't like the USA
ppl and their political believes. Then USA cannot help then right !
But what about other organizations that non US ?

Are they even can't help . Is that dictator even not let those
non-US organizations to let help those ppl !

so what is the complex political problem behind that , we suppose
that they hating the USA , But what is the complex political thing that
not let allowed non US organizations to help them ?

May be I'm too young to understood these complex political things.

Maybe the US shouldn't be responsible for feeding people in Africa. After all, Americans pay taxes to the US government, not Africans.

Maybe the US shouldn't be responsible for feeding people in Africa. After all, Americans pay taxes to the US government, not Africans.

don't talk like this , and I'm outside the US , so for me there are no
US politics. actually I'm hating US for some reasons ! , so clearly I'm not talking their side. US or some other country is not binded to help them.But many times they volunteered to help them. Even US can't
help in this situation many good ppl are there all around the world to be volunteered to help. But if there is a complex political problem
what can we do ?

anyway I'm personally not a economy expert so you guys can say that
my ideas are very babish.But I speak what I feel after seen these pictures. that's why I decided to scrafice my some meals and
collect some money.

Maybe the US shouldn't be responsible for feeding people in Africa. After all, Americans pay taxes to the US government, not Africans.

i admire your complete lack of social responsibility.

it must be nice to be able to so neatly view the world in stark black and white terms ..... babies born on one side of a line starve to death. babies born on the other get food.

i wonder though.... will you be first in line at the dole when your family runs out of food in an economic crisis?


>>ask this question from yourself. I will going to save them
in the form of money and see the max what I can do ...

I saw those pictures 40+ years ago. There is really not a thing we can do to help them because the dictators in Africa don't want us to help them. Every time we (USA) send food over there the dictators steal most of it.

Actually, us sending them food is part of the problem - we should send them the seeds and supplies to support themselves but the giant agri-businesses want us to buy their products here and waste money on shipping the food to them when it would be about 1,000 times more efficient to buy the food there supporting their agriculture helping them to become self-sufficient

it also doesnt help that their nations have national debts dating back to the 1960s that they can just barely pay the interest on much less hit the principal.

so much of their GDP goes to paying the world banks' interest, they cant ever get out of poverty long enough to oust the military juntas and tribal dictators.

>>so much of their GDP goes to paying the world banks' interest, they cant ever get out of poverty long enough to oust the military juntas and tribal dictators.

If that were the case then the solution would be easy -- get the world banks to forgive the debt, mush like USA did WWII debut by many nations.

don't talk like this , and I'm outside the US , so for me there are no US politics. actually I'm hating US for some reasons ! , so clearly I'm not talking their side.

Oh I see now -- you hate USA for everything but our money and computers. Well, that certainly is an eye-opener.

If that were the case then the solution would be easy -- get the world banks to forgive the debt, mush like USA did WWII debt by many nations.

well... it IS the case, and it's apparantly NOT easy.

for one thing it's not one nation forgiving the debt of another.... it's multinational banking organizations who have to answer to powerful investors across the globe.

perhaps you have an inside angle?

1,000 times more efficient to buy the food there supporting their agriculture helping them to become self-sufficient

yes I think that's a good idea.

for one thing it's not one nation forgiving the debt of another.... it's multinational banking organizations who have to answer to powerful investors across the globe.

so what is your point ? Explain it , little bit easy. so you think that
international banking gird want's to make that virtual low and high
economy and cover their economic tracks ? So there is a complex
economic and political problem both. Am I correct ?

well... it IS the case, and it's apparantly NOT easy.

for one thing it's not one nation forgiving the debt of another.... it's multinational banking organizations who have to answer to powerful investors across the globe.

perhaps you have an inside angle?

The banking system is nearly collapsed now anyway, so they might as well just forgive the debt.

To avoid malfunction of parts of human body..
free from illness.. beautiful in & out..

To avoid malfunction of parts of human body..
free from illness.. beautiful in & out..

you looks like you need to be slim aren't you , be honest . well me too.
but this thread is not about dieting , or how to control food
and get shaped ! This is about scrafice some food's to
ppl who don't have them. and only controlling the food never
make you slim and tail , true this is a important topic but
offtopic of this thread. i dunno po.. ahihijijiji..


Perfectly said.. Multinational banks need to answer global investors I agree with this..

Those pictures are so so sad. first time that i saw and well.. i know that there are options to help Africa.

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