... this is your favorite pickup line:
"Hey sweets, does this rag smell like chloroform? "

skilly commented: 1 bad apple... +0
TrustyTony commented: Interesting one. +0

> You know you are a geek when ....
You post "You know you are a geek when ...." threads :)
And also reply to "You know you are a geek when ...." threads ;)

... you wear black rimmed glasses that have been taped with white hospital tape, and your shirt has a pocket protector with about twenty pens sticking out of it.

The perfect stereotype! :)

commented: +++++++++++ +0

When you are a member of DaniWeb.

if u can do some good coding then u are beginning to be...

you say jokes about technology like;

'that router is so old, its ip address is 1'

commented: Hey, thats not that geeky! I make this kinds of jokes all the time! +0

... you shout 'F1' instead of 'help'

commented: funny +0

you write /dev/null instead of 'toilet'.

you take your computer to the bathroom or even worse... your bathroom to your computer

When the people you date are all virtual.

you watch Sci-Fi movies to laugh at the lack of physics (I do this every Friday)

when you always have a thick book with you, braces on your teeth, zits all over your face, a big round weird eyeglasses, and most especially, when you use long termed words like saying "Mono Sodium Glutamate" instead of MSG or Sodium Chloride instead of salt.

commented: You're no geek, you're just some driveby shrub with spam links +0

You know what the result of 6+2x10 is.

..when you start to write an algorithm for it if people are asking where you are going for holidays mumbling: hhmhh.. NP-hard....

...when you start writing verses like "Roses are #FF0000 , Violets are #0000FF , All my base belongs to you"!

commented: lol +0

... you write programs in C

:)) When your neighbors don't see you for some weeks and then they ask you if you we're gone in a holiday.

When you are a member of DaniWeb.

When You Start Solving Posts on DaniWeb.

When the people you date are all virtual.

Here, I have got one for you:

commented: lol +0

You know what the result of 6+2x10 is.


oh, crap. I am a geek.

20x + 6, oh I though I was geek but maybe I am only typograph.

when we call shut down your cellphone instead of switch off.(this happens with me lot of time).

... you laugh with things like "Chuck Norris can dereference a void pointer." or "In Soviet Russia, functions call you."

commented: :( I do it all the time +0

... you laugh with things like "Chuck Norris can dereference a void pointer." or "In Soviet Russia, functions call you."

OK, you really are a geek :)

Somebody asks you about your address, you give them:

> Somebody asks you about your address, you give them:
Surely you mean it is

The asker better share same computer if those is your answer.

Maybe: .. if you see and you pronounce it localhost.

...you are still in mourning over the cancellation of "Firefly".

you know u r a geek when u call your girl friend Linux.

Or call her Apple. lol

commented: HEY APPLE!! XD KNIFE. +0
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