I myself have had a pretty relaxed start. I even saw the Fireworks!
Though the relaxedness wont last for long :P

I have been neck high in HEX and horrible computer forensics :( , can't wait till tomorrow when its over :D

Well, things were going terribly for the last month of 2010 - workplace horrors, then I was transferred to a different team and life is full and wonderful again. I like my boss (she was my manager a couple years ago); I like my team - heck, even the other teams on the floor are pleasant people. When I say floor, I mean I am floor 19 and was just transferred up from floor 17 - most of the people on 17 were unpleasant and non-responsive, whereas (so far, knock on wood) most of the people on 19 are really nice, pleasant people to work with. I am looking forward to the next 6 months on this team. So the new year has started well.

A little bit of a downer is the 'ball cutter' fish - it seems in the waters of Papua New Guinea there is a fish that bites off the balls of fishermen and/or swimmers. The thing is huge and, oddly enough, has very human looking teeth.

First day of 2012 was Sunday, so my first day of year was very relax. I spent a quality time with my family and friends........

For me the start has been PERFECT! Every year i used to have one or more resolutions, after 10 days those resolution used to take a back seat.. this year i started with out one and since i didn't have to worry about them, so there is no guilt in my mind!

Are you talking about DNA HEX or Programming HEX?

I have been neck high in HEX and horrible computer forensics :( , can't wait till tomorrow when its over :D

Wow! What a year, from worse to great! Excellent to hear, GrimJack :)
What sort of work do you do?

Are you saying your a victim of the 'ball cutter' or you know people that are?

Well, things were going terribly for the last month of 2010 - workplace horrors, then I was transferred to a different team and life is full and wonderful again. I like my boss (she was my manager a couple years ago); I like my team - heck, even the other teams on the floor are pleasant people. When I say floor, I mean I am floor 19 and was just transferred up from floor 17 - most of the people on 17 were unpleasant and non-responsive, whereas (so far, knock on wood) most of the people on 19 are really nice, pleasant people to work with. I am looking forward to the next 6 months on this team. So the new year has started well.

A little bit of a downer is the 'ball cutter' fish - it seems in the waters of Papua New Guinea there is a fish that bites off the balls of fishermen and/or swimmers. The thing is huge and, oddly enough, has very human looking teeth.

That's awesome! So would you have had to work if it weren't? :O

First day of 2012 was Sunday, so my first day of year was very relax. I spent a quality time with my family and friends........

I'm glad to hear it's PERFECT !!!!!!!

Mind telling us your resolution?

For me the start has been PERFECT! Every year i used to have one or more resolutions, after 10 days those resolution used to take a back seat.. this year i started with out one and since i didn't have to worry about them, so there is no guilt in my mind!

Wow! What a year, from worse to great! Excellent to hear, GrimJack :)
What sort of work do you do?

I work for the IRS as a seasonal which means I usually work from January to June. This year (well actually Dec last year) I was called in early and went into the first team for the 4 weeks of the early call-up. January 3rd was the beginning of my actual ToD (tour of duty) and I went to the team that I was assigned to. If it seems convoluted to you, you don't know the half of it.

Are you saying your a victim of the 'ball cutter' or you know people that are?

No, fortunately I do not know of anyone who has met one - it is just a weird bit of news that I wanted to pass along so that, no matter how bad things get, a fish did not bite your balls off while you were swimming.

Are you talking about DNA HEX or Programming HEX?

Erm just HEX (The number System) dumps of hard drive images, why would I be looking at DNA for computer forensics. Unless synthetic silicon DNA has made leaps in the past year?? :D

No, fortunately I do not know of anyone who has met one - it is just a weird bit of news that I wanted to pass along so that, no matter how bad things get, a fish did not bite your balls off while you were swimming.

sounds more like an urban legend than anything else to me. No fish will have evolved to do that, no evolutionary pressure to do so :)
And of course it'd be rather hard to target people wearing swimwear :)

I am in love! 2012 promises to be a good year!

sounds more like an urban legend than anything else to me. No fish will have evolved to do that, no evolutionary pressure to do so :)
And of course it'd be rather hard to target people wearing swimwear :)

That is why you should have clicked on the link. Once you have checked out the link, then we can discuss.

The start of the year for me is going smooth...for now
lots of exams are on their way by the end of the month

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