What has been your favorite job so far? It doesn't have to be related to IT.

For me it has been a part time teaching job that I did at a local college for ten years teaching computer repair and networking. I'd do it for free.

If you are a student and you haven't worked yet, what type of job do you think would be something that when you wake up in the morning, you'd be happy to go to?

If you do what you love...you will never work a day in your life.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

For me it has been a part time teaching job that I did at a local college for ten years teaching computer repair and networking. I'd do it for free.

I used to volunteer on Saturdays and I teach kids age from 15 to 20 how to used software like GIMP and Microsoft Suites at a center computer. I was there for 3 years and they cancel the project. It was sad but fun.

My passion of writing a scores for a indie films is something I want to do.

But since you ask what is my favorite job is so far?

I wish I can teach.

Definitely, I have to say it was an internship some years back. I worked in a lab (at Uni Duisburg-Essen) where they had a roller-coaster seat mounted to the end of a Kuka KR560 industrial robotic manipulator (about 600kg payload capacity), similar to the robocoaster systems. My job was to do some testing and fine-tuning of the control software for that robot and model its dynamics, but at one point, my supervisor just asked me to imagine the craziest rides possible as demos to impress visitors to the lab. I spent a two weeks doing that, and it was really cool.

I wish I had an actual video of this, but this one should give you a good idea of what I'm talking about (although they used an ABB one) (N.B.: we weren't as crazy reckless as the people in that video, we actually cared for safety regulations, not like these idiots).

My most interesting job was my second job after graduating. I worked in the Neuro-Science department of the University of Manitoba Medical College. I worked for two doctors doing research. The first was doing vestibular studies (balance, eye-hand coordination) on a grant for NASA and the other was doing spinal cord research with the hope of developing implants for people with spinal cord injuries. That was when 8080/8086 micro-computers were just becoming available so I got to get down and dirty with the hardware as well as the code. It was the only time I had to use a soldering gun on the job. It was cool getting in on the ground floor of the new technology but I wish I'd had the opportunities that Mike had.

For me, i have a hobby of doing web development/software and i have improved quite a lot this last year but unfortunately i don't make money off of it so far, well... i made $800 dollars for doing a "simple" website for my cousin (i used my knowledge of web development such as php, mysql, html5, css3, jquery, etc. so don't laugh at my skills from the past) and he doesn't even use it... it was first real estate, and then changed his mind into an e-commerce.

But to make money, i do stock/currency trading... I have done it for a few years on a paper account and for 2 years i have been doing it live. I am trying to automate my trading so i don't have to touch the computer ever but fortunately i have figured out how to write a script on identifing crossovers/when to identify the best buy and sell, the moving average, and etc. (the best trade i have done this year was when i purchased Netflix and it basically doubled and that was the best trade i have made ever in my 2 years of live trading. I invested almost all my earnings on just that one stock. It was a success for me :D).

...so in the future, if you guys ever here me ask a quesiton on how to automate my trade, please expect it to come :)...


I wish I can teach.

You wished you can teach? What are you talking about, you give me a good lesson almost every time I ask a question, so you are technically always a teacher :).

Right now i workd as a internet marketing manager...........but it my hardly wish that i will be a software developer....that will be my dream job.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

You wished you can teach? What are you talking about, you give me a good lesson almost every time I ask a question, so you are technically always a teacher :).

You're funny. It's not teaching more like lecturing.

You're funny. It's not teaching more like lecturing.

That's debatable...

My favorite job is paintings in free times.

@printersdelhi, what kind of art style do you do? I am into computer generated art.

Now, I am working as a web designer - And after job, I spent my time to learn about web development i.e., when I am free from my job - I would like to dig and practice small pieces of code of PHP and MySQL.

You wished you can teach? What are you talking about, you give me a good lesson almost every time I ask a question, so you are technically always a teacher :).

well, you have to take into account that being a "teacher" isn't always the same as being a teacher
in order to be a professional teacher, you need to have certain degrees, which he may not have, can also be the issue :)

Worked in pretty much all areas of computing, hardware, software, from being a technician to research, to consultancy. I've been contracted to MS, IBM, Fujitsu, Sun, to name some, as well as my own business. But it was never what I did that mattered, but the reason for doing it. This is why that saying by Confucious is one I have always found quite profound, y'know, "Find a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life." - the one quoted in the first post.

But, computing is no big deal, it's all quite easy really. Computing, whatever its area, is all about repetition. Because of this it's been interesting to note the comments that involve teaching people, or beneficial research. Just knowing a lot about programming, or how a computer works, doesn't make a person a good programmer or engineer, that just means you have time and patience for repetitive tasks. It's knowing how people work is what makes a good programmer or engineer. A programmer will say, "What shall I write today?" A great programmer will say, "Who shall I write for today?"

These forums have a powerful learning ethos and structure. Because of this, we see people asking questions you typically don't see asked in the same way on other forums. We see the interactions of certain personalities who would typically only be 'lurkers' on other similar type forums.

So, it's quite evident that the majority of people here enjoy their job, and are very good at it. :-)

Member Avatar for LastMitch

That's debatable...

Yes, you are correct debatable is the right word to used because I always win 99.9%

Yes, you are correct debatable is the right word to used because I always win 99.9%

At least i win 00.1% of the time :)



... you are a travel agent?

Member Avatar for LastMitch

you are a travel agent?

I mean it might be a business travel. A Pilot? A Salemens? A Flight Attentant? A Musician? An Artist?

I mean it might be a business travel. A Pilot? A Salemens? A Flight Attentant? A Musician? An Artist?

You never know, she could could be refering to a job that she might like :)

Member Avatar for LastMitch

You never know, she could could be refering to a job that she might like :)

I didn't know that this member was a she til you mention it. I be honest with you I don't really look at member's profile.

Well, i think its a she because of the user...

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