which one is better?

cheap,free apps and google trust.What else do anyone want.

Used iPhone 4 and Galaxy S3; prefer the Galaxy S3 because it's better at what I want it to do. It's a more open architecture and I can poke and play with it to my heart's content. The music player is somewhat poor and has now been replaced with Spotify :P
The camera is much better than the 4, assuming this is down to software not the lens.

The iP4 is a good phone if you want something simple and does everything for you. It's a "nannying" phone. But if you want a music player, somewhere to store your photos and Facebook, the iPhone is probably what you want.

iOS vs Android - Android. For the simple reason that I don't have to pay to develop for it and I don't have to jump through 10,000 hoops to get software I've written onto the phone that I own.

tl;dr - Choose the right one for what you want. They both have pros and cons in different areas but are about the same overall.

well in my experience IOs phones is better than android!.. especially when it comes to apps stability..

Like them both.

I prefer the iOS experience. Android has responsiveness issues whenever I use it, and that slight delay seriously affects the experience. Responsiveness issues seem few and far between on iOS.

iPhone, too locked down for my needs. Android, if I give enough consideration to the demands of a particular app and how it will work with others then Android will surpass an iPhone's capabilities.

As for performance and responsiveness, like the Air Force say, you can make anything fly if you put a big enough engine in it.

@deceptikon I had responsiveness issues on my S3. Turns out it was due to Samsung's crappy TouchWiz interface. If you flash it with a basic Android ROM it's snappy as hell :) (Bit like Laptops you buy form superstores that come bogged down with all their branded crap)

iPhone... hands down! Android sucks by my opinion but iPhones are going through a hard and challenging war with Samsung.

@deceptikon I had responsiveness issues on my S3. Turns out it was due to Samsung's crappy TouchWiz interface. If you flash it with a basic Android ROM it's snappy as hell :) (Bit like Laptops you buy form superstores that come bogged down with all their branded crap)

My responsiveness issues relative to iOS have been with straight Android, as recent as ICS. So while you're certainly right that manufacturers (Samsung especially) have been egregious with their crapware, that's not always the answer when someone mentions UI lag.

I think this gif will express what I think. In case it's not clear, I prefer Android.

That was funny but apple is still better.

My responsiveness issues relative to iOS have been with straight Android, as recent as ICS. So while you're certainly right that manufacturers (Samsung especially) have been egregious with their crapware, that's not always the answer when someone mentions UI lag

Sorry to hear that, when I re-flashed mine it fixed it right away. I am on 4.1.2 Jellybean if that helps at all?

It's both funny and sad the kind of ire people can have over an operating system debate.

I just prefer Android I'm not a crazy person about it like some.

My comment was in general, not directed at anyone in this thread. Though there are certainly many levels of craziness when it comes to preference. Some people are more reasonable, and others are irrationally stubborn.

When it comes down to preferences, specifically, there is no right or wrong, and we should all be grateful for that. My daughter has an iPhone, so I've had a play with one and don't like 'em. I prefer the flexibility of Android.

@Deceptikon Indeed, also with desktop OS's people get extremely crazy. It's quite amusing why people argue about such things because it's all preference and all products are aimed for specific uses and specific people, yet people argue...

I argue that Windows is better because my job relies on it :D

i argue that android phone is better because my job relies on it. :D

I think the availability of Android on different brands make it more appealing to me. iOS is only available on Apple products giving them the monopoly on it as opposed to Android OS that you can actually find on hundreds of brands out there.

I think the availability of Android on different brands make it more appealing to me.

It's quite the opposite for me. Android is so fragmented that regardless of whether the OS is good or not, the variance in hardware makes it difficult to find something that works worth a damn. That's precisely why I chose to purchase an iPhone: I was sure it would work, and that's what I want in my primary phone.

So... let me point this out.

Most teens hate walking around in public with an android, so they go iphones/samsungs.

commented: lol sure seems that way. I only know a couple people at my high school that have an android and some of them would prefer to have an iphone. I don't get why though they are more expensive and a lot more restrictive +0

Seems like people choosing one over the other is more divided between reliability (making sure it will work) and flexibility (being able to customize it based on personal wants/needs). Now this observation is only on people that have logical reasons for choosing one and not including the teens that wants an iPhone simply because it's the "IN" thing at the moment.

Aren't all teens looking for the "IN" thing? If a girl sees bieber/1 Direction they go berserk for their merchandise just because it is the "IN" thing...

I prefer iPhones, because I believe them to be more robust than other android-looking phones, but this is debatable. They both have advantages and disadvantages. It actually comes down to the user preferences: if you like a solid, but more restrictive environment, you should choose iOS, if you like a more open-source community (with all that follows it), you should go with android.

Have you guys seen the Ubuntu phone and tablet OS yet? I think it looks really nice, haven't tried it myself yet though.

commented: YA! i watched the video for it. It's so cool. Ubuntu is taking phones to the next level! +0

when its about affordability Android

my €200 Android phone does the same for me as would a €700 iPhone. Case closed.
Plus I can write software for it using the Android SDK on my PC. To do the same for an iPhone I'd need in addition to buy a €1700 Apple computer (replacing my PC with one that has similar specs would cost me maybe €700).

In all, a savings of at least €1500. What's not to like about that?

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