What is your favorite body part(s)?

For me it is my brain (and all the muscles that account for people consider me as being "jacked"). What about you guys?

Nothing better than a woman's bum!

Nothing better than a woman's bum!

How about now? You still think that's the best, lol? :D

commented: Ack! Walmartians! +0

for that I should not have gotten my glasses prescription fied

That's honestly not that bothersome to me. That's better than some super skinny girl who's got curves like a man. Just sayin!

That's better than some super skinny girl who's got curves like a man. Just sayin!

Thats true... as long as they are not fat and have bodies like Kim K... ugh... That is why girls look best when they are gym/fitness girls ;)...

Not a body part per se, but the most attractive to me is the personality above all else. After that, then eyes, mouth and, ernm, yep, bum... Hey, I'm only human ;)

I love my hair. My Ginger Hair.. ooo and my blue glasses!

-dead topic raises from the grave-

I'd say my eyes. They're green with some yellow, grey and reddish spots.

When it comes to my own body then at a push I guess I would opt for my hands, especially since they have been fully decorated (upper and lower knuckle tats, back of hand tatas, thumbpad tats, wrist tats.) My hands are quite small for a big man (6'1" and 14 stone) but, thanks to having worked as a writer for the last 24 years, they are also very baby bum smooth without the usual hardness that a man of 50 might expect.

I like my skin most, the rest of the body is in it...

commented: smart +0

My lungs because can't live without them.

they are also very baby bum smooth without the usual hardness that a man of 50 might expect.

You can't be fifty, you were 20 when I was 20
I can't be fifty, 21 and some months

352: 'is too' some

Member Avatar for diafol

My best friend used to be my liver. It meant I survived my student days. I treated her like shit, but she still looked after me. Now I look after her.

Now I think my ears are my favourite as I've rediscovered modern music at the grand age of 45 with the help of Spotify and recommendations from the good people of Daniweb :) I went to a 'The Temperance Movement' gig in Oxford recently and couldn't believe what I'd been missing while my kids were growing up. Now they're old enough to come with me. :)

My 13 year old twins have started a band, called 'The Nameless' and I now appear to be a roadie...

commented: awesome +0

Had to sell the Fiat 500 and buy a van, hence the Bongo. Plus, I wanted a dayvan/camper project anyway - but don't tell the boys or my hold over them will be lost forever :)

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