Sorry to inform you, but anyone who sees this post has just lost the game!

<M/> commented: we are too confused... +0

That is not true... our football team won our third varsity game of the season (out of 3 games) with me making 2 touch downs ;) (i got back 10 minutes ago...)

Yeah but I just won the contest!

Hmmm... looks like no one lost but the OP :D

I'm confused.

commented: yep, that was expected lol +0

whats going on?

commented: exactly... +0

Someone won a game, someone lost a game, and someone won a contest.

commented: yep.... +0

You've all been disqualified on a technicality. All games have been rescheduled.

You've all been disqualified on a technicality. All games have been rescheduled.

It's okay, we are playing the same HS tomorrow for an away game ;)

I just lost a game I wasn't even playing ...
so it's been proven, I can do the impossible! My mom must 've been right all along ;)

I just lost a game I wasn't even playing ...
so it's been proven, I can do the impossible! My mom must 've been right all along ;)


What game was that :D

have no idea.maybe Sockoiid can tell me? he says I lost.

The game is to not think of the game. if you think of the game you lose. so by seeing this post, you all lost the game.

I wasn't in the game to begin with, so can't possibly have lost it. i understand...
I lost The Game...geez..

had not lost in a long time op :(

I just lost the game.

I wasn't in the game to begin with, so can't possibly have lost it.

Yeah but now you're in the game and you lost it!

uh no. I'm the referee who hereby declares the entire game invalid :)

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