Hello Friends!! I am just sharing some hot beverages that i like at barista lavazza like Assam Tea, Caffé Americano, Caffé Latte. What's your choice!!

We have Starbuks around here -- good product but much overpriced. I like Hills Bros double mocha cappuccino that I make at home.

Small/Regular (depending upon coffee shop) black Americano with an extra shot. Nice and simple, hits the spot.

My other half is a liuttle more complicated, she always has a regular decaf soya cappuccino with no choc sprinkles but with a small jug of hot water on the side.

Can't remember the last time I went to a StarYucks. Quite apart from political reasons for not visiting them, there's also the small matter of whatever that syrupy-slop they serve is it certainly ain't coffee as far as I'm concerned. I always try and find a small, local, independent coffee shop to frequent.

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