Seems like no matter how many times I change my passwords on my AOL account my GF continues to gain access to my account....She uses the same computer as me but I dont store my pass word or anything and I cant figure how she gets in.....
Dont have nothing to hide but it just aggravates me lol and puzzles me at the same

;D Seeing as this is your first post, I welcome you to TTF.

Your girlfriend could be guessing your password, using a keylogger to see what keystrokes you type; then using that; or something of the sort. I don't think she would be able to brute force your password because AOL Dialup servers give a timeout error if there are too many failures in a short timespawn.

Remember to have complicated passwords. The more private the account, the more cryptic your passwords. For example, an old yahoo password of mine was:


Brute force cracking that would take a heck of a long time. Not worth it. If it was cracked in one day, or even a week by one computer, then she's either using a keylogger, or has some sort admin account where she can control passwords of other users.

Also, I have not kept up with AOL hacking recently, but there could be a possibility that AOL passwords are encrypted in the user's computer and she might have an app that decrypts it. It's a possibility.

I wish I had an intelligent ,evil and a bit geeky gf like that rather than the extra-emotional gf of mine .

I'd rather take the extra-emotional one.

I'd rather shoot myself

Is there any possibility of getting the best of both worlds? (geeky and emotional) Hell at this point I'll for either as long as she can put up with a passion for all things Star Trek. (among my other obsessions) :cheesy:

Ok I admit I'm way off topic here.

I'd rather shoot myself

bwhahahahahha :lol:

Is there any possibility of getting the best of both worlds? (geeky and emotional) Hell at this point I'll for either as long as she can put up with a passion for all things Star Trek. (among my other obsessions) :cheesy:

Ok I admit I'm way off topic here.

In all honesty, I wouldn't want a geeky, techie girl. I deal enough with computers during the day, that I don't want it to be the topic of conversation when I'm not near them. I guess I don't have the passion for computers as much as some of you guys.

My girlfriend is a bit emotional at times, which is normal, and healthy. She likes to play with photoshop, and has an interest in the things I do on the computer. She finds things like ssh+screen+ncurses, and VNC amazing. Having a girlfriend who is intrigued by technology, but not 100% into is not. I don't think I would like having competition. Plus, can you imagine the things called out in bed?:cheesy:

...Plus, can you imagine the things called out in bed?:cheesy:

Three words. "Oh my DOS!!!!"

Hi, Does anyone know how to hack into Aol themselves and clear TOS's at all. I was wrongfully terminated and someone kept hacking into my computer and caused TOS's for me hopefully someone can help. thanx

We're not here to help anyone with illegal activity.
In fact I hope you get reported to law enforcement for trying to get people to help you commit a felony.

Sorry, i wasnt trying to get people to help me out..i was just asking ok. but forget it im not worried about my aol account..i remade a new one so whatever.

Most of the accounts which get cracked are through Social Engineering ..

Read " The Art of Deception" By Kevin Mitnick.


Maybe your GF is a spy, eh, eh? could happen.

Maybe she has a camera, watching you at all times at your computer.

It could happen ya know!

Thats true..anything can happen these days and you wouldnt even know it at all. But i know how people are to hack into computers and its quite easy for em to tryin to figure out who exactly did this but it could be anybody.

I heard AOL was generic compared to other ISPs

Most of the accounts which get cracked are through Social Engineering ..

Read " The Art of Deception" By Kevin Mitnick.


You are right- Kevin spells it out clearly and many of those techniques are still being used today- many for ID theft.

This is just what i need, i want to hank on to some ones aol account i know it is possable i just dont know how to at all some help please! Dumb Brunet!

Nada, it's illegal, and we don't condone it.

Nada, it's illegal, and we don't condone it.

Ya i kinda of figured, but then why do people do it all the time many times i have been hacked on from my email to my IM's...i mean i know it is illegal but i found many sites that show u how it is just beyond my brain level and what makes it worse is the person i wanted to hack on, is very good at hacking he can even get peoples passwords and credit card numbers so sonner or later he would have known it was me

but then why do people do it all the time many times

Why do people steal cars?
Why do people rob banks?
Why do people sell drugs?
Why do people hold up the post coach?

It's all about money. Getting at peoples' ban account, credit card, and social security number allows you to not just get official documents in that person's name and clean out his bank account, but to use those documents to clean out the bank accounts of large companies.
ID thieves can sometimes steal millions using a single stolen identity.

wow wow wow i was so not after that, i just wanted 2 see who my X is talking to online. I think i know i just wanna make his life suck i want to hack on his SN and im mean things to all his so called "friends, but thoses were the sluts he was cheating on me with." I know it is mean but it was 3 years with him so it still hurts me....

Its still illegal, and therefore we cant really say anything. And believe me, hacking is just not worth it.

I have to agree. Cracking (its the correct term, BTW) is illegal, unethical and wrong. If you do crack into accounts for any reason, you deserve to be punished maximum.

Yup yup. Also, im intrigued about the term cracking :) is it just the correct term of the word hacking, or does it describe a slightly different thing?

Actually, hacking means finding vulnerabilities / loopholes in a system and then telling the owner of such a system about the said vulnerailities so that corrective action can be taken.

Cracking on the other hand means finding vulnerabilities and taking advantage of them to either make money (illegally) or to gain access to restricted systems with malicious intent

Go home :-|

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