Cause we all have them right??

Are yours listed?

heh good find...

Some of em really are crazy!

I bet there are 1000s more that arent listed on that site :D

Lol those are pretty interesting.

I've thought some of those..

I reckon we all do :)

the power of the human mind.

Very funny. :D

How many of those do you think you could answer?

>If nobody buys a ticket to a movie do they still show it?

go to the cinema and ask them.

>Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

I would say it has something to do with plastic.

>Do penguins have knees?

Ask someone who knows the anatomy of a penguin

>How come people tell you not to stand in front of an emergency exit when if there was an emergency surely you would run through it?

Because if you just stood infront of it, in a non emergency. and remained there in an emergency (some people would). you would get in the way. That it might be motion alarmed.

>Why did Sally sell seashells on the seashore when you can just pick them up anyway?

To make money off idiots.

>In libraries, do they put the bible in the fiction or non-fiction section?

See cinema answer.

>Can you cry underwater?
Try it.

Ok, i got abit bored. but i'd say quite a few (more than half) if you had time, EnderX.

>Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

I would say it has something to do with plastic.

My bet would be on glue requiring contact with air to harden. Leave open a bottle some time, then check. (On Elmer's Glue or related versions: Completely remove the cap, don't just untwist the knob.)

>Do penguins have knees?

Ask someone who knows the anatomy of a penguin

Or, go look it up. That's the title of one of the books in the Imponderables series. (I think my favorite title from that series is 'When did Wild Poodles roam the Earth?')

>In libraries, do they put the bible in the fiction or non-fiction section?

See cinema answer.

I'll give you that one. Non-fiction, alongside the scriptures of other religions and all commentary. In libraries running the Dewey Decimal system, the whole shebang is the 200 section.

Ok, i got abit bored. but i'd say quite a few (more than half) if you had time, EnderX.

If you decide to get unbored, feel free to try sending a PM. I'd say I can probably come up with a few others's fun trying, at least.

Is the husband of a woman who is President still called The First Lady ?

Is the husband of a woman who is President still called The First Lady ?

I seriously hope not...

I do :D

Is the husband of a woman who is President still called The First Lady ?

Of course not... :idea: (Imagining someone like that being called a first lady... scary)

Wait, the site is crazy thoughts

not unanswered questions.

Why ask a question when the answer is definite and freely available?

Why ask a question when the answer is definite and freely available?

They are rhetorical questions -- its the questions themselves that are amusing.

>> Can you cry underwater?
I always thought that question was stupid. It's not as though tears defines crying or anything. Does it?

Google: "Crying is a record album released in 1962 by Roy Orbison." Guess not.

I know what a rhetorical question is, thank you very much. But questions that have definite answers (and can be easily accessed through a search engine) usually don't incur much thought process.

Let's put it this way: if everyone knew the answer, do you really think they would put up the question?

>> I know what a rhetorical question is, thank you very much.
Do you really, Joe? Do you?

Let's put it this way: if everyone knew the answer, do you really think they would put up the question?

Absolutely. Just read any of the books written for Psych 101 classes, they are filled with trivia and answers to questions that are common knowledge.

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